Rally in Support of President Trump and Against the Politicization of American Justice

Hosted by the East Baton Rouge Republican Party

The public is invited to a Rally for President Trump and Against Politicization of the Justice System at 11:30 a.m. this Tuesday, March 21, 2023, on the steps of the Louisiana State Capitol Building in Baton Rouge. The rally is sponsored by the Republican Party of East Baton Rouge Parish, chaired by former Rep. Woody Jenkins. Jenkins served as State Chairman for Trump for President in 2016 and as a member of the Electoral College at-Large for President Trump in 2020.

News reports indicate that President Trump may be arrested Tuesday on charges filed by the District Attorney in New York City. Jenkins said the charges are trumped up and part of an ongoing effort by Democrats in Congress and key officials in the Justice Department to politicize the justice system and criminalize political opposition. "They are desperate to find a crime to hang on President Trump, and they are truly groping for something," Jenkins said.
"Beginning before the President was even sworn in, we saw the system perverted with members of Congress calling for him to be impeached. The National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was arrested on bogus charges. After that, there have been one fake allegation after another calling for President Trump either to be impeached or arrested. Their goal today is to rig the system by somehow preventing him from running in 2024. People are outraged and deeply troubled by what they see happening to our country. These reckless actions are unacceptable and condemned by the people of Louisiana."

Jenkins urged people to come to the rally and show their support for the President and the rule of law. He said a number of local and state officials will speak.

Jenkins asked people who plan to attend to email him at woodyjenkins2020@hotmail.com to let him know they are coming.

Posted on March 20, 2023 and filed under Donald Trump, LAGOP.