Posts filed under John Bel Edwards

LAGOP: The So-called Business Summit: Some Facts to Counter the Fiction

Photo source: Twitter

Photo source: Twitter

The below was sent by email from the Louisiana GOP regarding “Honor Code”, John Bel Edwards’, economic summit: 

The long-heralded Louisiana Statewide Business Summit has ended in a cloud of self-congratulatory remarks by John Bel Edwards. Per the Governor, just like LSU’s football team, the state is fresh off a big victory. The big victory eludes us, however. In actuality, the Governor’s summit primarily consisted of administration officials and certain well-heeled campaign contributors, along with a few legitimate industry leaders for visual effect. Strangely and for reasons unknown, outsiders found it impossible to obtain admission to the event, even when inquiries were made soon after the summit was announced.

But back to the Governor’s closing remarks; Edwards’ touting of great gains in industrial growth and jobs under his administration must be seen as the second act of his re-election narrative. Surely, the first act must have been his blustering speech at the end of the third and final 2018 legislative session, and then regurgitated today to the effect that the fiscal problems of the state have been solved. (They have only been resolved possibly for this election year, to no one’s surprise.) The Governor’s re-election narrative would make for a mirthful comedy if it were not for the tragic consequences of his administration’s three-year fixation on higher taxes and fees to solve this state’s terrible fiscal problems.

Consider that Louisiana now has the seventh worst economic growth rate and the third highest unemployment rate in the nation, in spite of the fact that Louisiana has the greatest natural resources per capita of any state. Tens of thousands of Louisianans have already left the state, with additional hundreds of thousands sure to follow if, God forbid, the Governor is re-elected. Of course, these disappointing statistics are simply the effects and not the causes of consistently bad government under Governor Edwards’ administration. So let’s take a look at some of the Governor’s legislative “achievements” and their effect on industry and job growth:

HIGHER SALES TAXES: For the sake of clarification, the Governor did not reduce our sales taxes, despite his claims to that effect- he merely replaced a temporary tax with a lower permanent one and falsely took credit for reducing taxes. The real effect will be to raise taxes beyond the short term. Higher sales taxes discourage industrial growth, and our sales taxes are the highest in the nation. Certainly, there are no industry or job gains to be had here.

HIGHER BUSINESS TAXES & FEES: John Bel Edwards’ administration has raised taxes and fees on businesses faster than any other state in the last three years. This is an absolute disincentive for industry to locate or expand in Louisiana, and a job killer in the bargain.

GIVING LOCAL GOVERNMENT CONTROL OVER THE INDUSTRIAL TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM (ITEP): This eighty-year-old program gave industries that moved or expanded their operations in Louisiana an exemption from paying local property taxes on their manufacturing facilities which lasts up to ten years. Additionally, John Bel Edwards foolishly gave local government bodies, down to the school board level, the ability to nix these exemptions that were originally designed to partially offset all the disincentives existing elsewhere in the statutes and tax code. The largest employer in the state (Exxon/Mobile) just lost a tax exemption because of the objections of a local school board, resulting in a loss of investment in Louisiana. More projects will no doubt fall prey to various socialist-progressive, anti-business, small-time political news-hounds. Well done, Governor, if that was your intention to chase industry and jobs out of Louisiana!

And these are just his signature “achievements” to date. Don’t forget all of his other attempts to raise taxes, which only failed due to Republican opposition. Going forward, we are advised that the Governor plans to introduce legislation to raise the gas tax (certainly not an incentive to attract industry and jobs), and to greatly increase the state’s minimum wage (an absolute job killer especially damaging to less experienced and currently unemployed workers).

So here we are as we begin our fourth year under the John Bel Edwards’ administration: Higher than average unemployment, lower than average job growth, a declining population, the highest sales tax in the nation, extremely high business fees and taxes, the worst performing government in the nation by almost all metrics, and no possibility of real reforms being implemented under this Democrat Governor. 

If John Bel Edwards wants to take credit for these economic “achievements” of the last three years, so be it!

Louis Gurvich, Chairman

Posted on February 22, 2019 and filed under John Bel Edwards, LAGOP, Louisiana.

The Economy in Acadiana is Looking Strong in 2019

Photo source: Wikipedia

Photo source: Wikipedia

Looking strong in all industries but one, our illustrious governor’s favorite red-headed stepchild, the oil and gas industry. The same industry that he and his ambulance chasing trial lawyer buddies love to sue.   

While things are looking up in some sectors, Bill Fenstermaker, chairman and CEO of Fenstermaker & Associates, said oil and gas revenues have dropped about $750,000,000 a year for the past three years. He suggested the current administration's policies could be causing Texas oil companies to avoid drilling in Louisiana, especially in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Those of us that depend on the oil and gas industry to feed our families are tired of seeing this industry get kicked around by the Democrat Party and, most particular, John Bel Edwards, the Cajun Obama himself. This industry has given countless thousands of families in this state a good source of income for decades and for this governor to use his influence in order to shakedown this industry is disgraceful.

Read more: Economic Summit: Acadiana business leaders cautiously optimistic for growth in 2019

LAGOP: Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards’ Business Summit Appears To Be A Taxpayer-Funded Campaign Event

The Louisiana GOP sent out the below email regarding a business summit scheduled for this week in Baton Rouge  

With Louisiana currently ranked the worst state to find a job <> and consistently ranking among the bottom ten states for business climate <>, Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards is hosting a business summit in Baton Rouge on Thursday to hide his failed leadership from voters. But is this event really a business summit, or a taxpayer-funded campaign event to bolster his re-election bid?

Over half of the speakers slated to address the event have either donated to Edwards’ campaign or currently work for him as administration officials:

Five of the 19 scheduled speakers for the event are state employees <> who work for Edwards:

  • Don Pierson, Secretary, Louisiana Economic Development
  • Ava Dejoie, Secretary, Louisiana Workforce Commission (Department of Labor)
  • Jay Dardenne, Commissioner, Louisiana Division of Administration
  • Kimberly Robinson, Secretary, Department of Revenue
  • Shawn Wilson, Secretary, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development

Eight of the 19 scheduled speakers donated <> to Edwards either personally or through their organizations:

  • Mike Olivier gave Edwards’ campaign $1,250 on 10/31/16.
  • CSRS Inc. gave Edwards’ campaign $5,000 on 10/31/16.
  • Eduardo Jimenez gave Edwards’ campaign $500 on 2/4/16.
  • Jay Dardenne’s Campaign LLC gave Edwards’ campaign $2,500 on 9/6/17.
  • Stream Family Limited Partnership gave Edwards’ campaign $5,000 on 1/23/17.
  • Waitr gave Edwards’ campaign $5,000 on 10/27/17.
  • Trey Burvant gave Edwards’ campaign $250 on 11/17/15.
  • Craig Spohn gave Edwards’ campaign $5,000 on 10/13/16.

Edwards’ apparent decision to use a state-sponsored business summit as an opportunity to rally his supporters and campaign donors on the taxpayer’s dime further shows that he’s just another hypocritical politician who can’t be trusted to lead Louisiana.

Posted on February 19, 2019 and filed under Jay Dardenne, Louisiana, John Bel Edwards.

Republican Party of Louisiana Files Public Records Request Regarding Governor John Bel Edwards’ Louisiana Statewide Business Summit


Monday, February 18, 2019

(Baton Rouge, LA): Today the Republican Party of Louisiana submitted a public records request for any and all correspondence related to Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards’ Louisiana Statewide Business Summit to discern whether the governor is using it as a taxpayer-funded campaign event to bolster his re-election efforts. A copy of the request can be found here.

This request comes as Governor Edwards has faced a slew of bad headlines in recent weeks regarding his lackluster performance on the economy leading up to his announcement of the summit. This, along with the fact that many of the event’s speakers are either donors or employees of Edwards, raises questions of whether he is using his summit as a publicly-funded campaign event.

“On the heels of one negative story after another highlighting the poor state of Louisiana’s economy under the leadership of Governor Edwards, the Governor appears to have organized this summit for the benefit of his re-election efforts on the taxpayer’s dime,” said Chairman Louis Gurvich. “Our elected leaders should not be using taxpayer funds to further their personal political objectives. The timing and choice of speakers at this summit raises serious questions for Governor Edwards, and the people of Louisiana deserve answers.”

A Brief Timeline of Negative News Stories:

January 28 – “In a November 2015 debate, both Edwards and his Republican runoff challenger, then-U.S. Sen. David Vitter, said they wouldn’t raise tax rates on businesses or individuals. They talked of very similar plans to make government more efficient, remove protections that keep some areas of the budget off-limits to cuts and scale back tax break programs. Tax rates under Edwards, however, were raised.” (AP: In re-election bid, Edwards to face tax scrutiny)

January 30 – Louisiana ranked the worst state in the country for where to find a job. (Zippia: THESE ARE THE 10 BEST STATES IN AMERICA FOR JOBS)

January 30 – “Until then we live with Gov. Edwards’ ‘Texas Plan’ that was evident in a post by Baton Rouge ex-pat Branon Pesnell, who now does real estate in Houston: ‘I am one of the 55,000 who moved out of the state (2016-2018) partly because of this type of short-sighted thinking. Decisions like this will have long-term impact on the Louisiana’s ability to recruit and keep business. The door is open in Texas, come on in!’” (Greater Baton Rouge Business Journal: Publisher: Governor’s ITEP change helps Texas)

February 4 – “Stephen Waguespack, president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, said Monday at the Press Club of Baton Rouge [ITEP] is ‘broken’…” (Advocate: LABI, Louisiana's largest business lobby, wants changes for ITEP tax)

February 4 – “But Edwards isn’t interested in changing the rules, saying Louisiana remains competitive in business development.” (AP: Louisiana leaders divided on industrial tax break)

February 9 – “Even when watered down by a Republican-led Legislature, his policies over the past three years have produced tax hikes and 40 percent higher state spending. Louisiana has one of the worst economies in the country with almost no net new jobs created.” (Advocate: Jeff Sadow: Look behind the spin put on Gov. Edward's polling numbers)

February 13 – John Bel Edwards announces Louisiana Statewide Business Summit (Advocate:Louisiana Statewide Business Summit to highlight economic development success stories


We Could Have Nice Things Like This.......

Photo source: CNBC

Photo source: CNBC

.........but because of the self-righteous in the State of Louisiana who couldn’t vote for Sen. David Vitter and elected a liberal trial lawyer in John Bel Edwards, who’s intent on destroying the oil and gas industry, we have Louisianans going to Texas to work in their bustling industry. 

The latest example of the boom in Texas oil and gas is this: 

  • "As the national leader in oil and natural gas production, Texas is paving the way for America's energy independence," Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in statement in response to the report. "From technological advancements resulting in increased oil and natural gas output to our LNG export facilities, the Lone Star State's energy economy is firing on all cylinders. As Governor, I will continue to work with our independent oil and gas producers to take our economy to even greater heights."

See what was in that piece? A governor willing to work with producers in his state rather than sue them.  

But, by all means, tell me again how “Honor Code” is helping the State of Louisiana.  

As I’ve said before, don’t blame me. I voted for Vitter. 

Read more:  Report: Texas crude oil production breaks 1970s record

Posted on February 16, 2019 and filed under Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, Oil and Gas.

If Only We Had a Governor Who Wasn't Intent on Killing the Oil and Gas Industry

Photo source: Rigzone

Photo source: Rigzone

As reported numerous times, the “Honor Code” of a governor that we have in the State of Louisiana is intent on destroying the strongest industry we have here in this state, oil and gas. This former trial lawyer has time and time again, with the help of his crony buddies, sued deep pocketed companies:

We shouldn’t be surprised Edwards would go after deep-pocketed companies as governor when that’s what he did for a living before he became a politician. And after all, he is a Democrat, the party known for rewarding trial lawyers who generously give campaign contributions. The trouble with trial lawyers is that for the most part, they suck the life out of the economy. But if your focus isn’t the strength of the economy, but instead growing state coffers with large chunks of cash from lawsuits, Edward’s bent toward litigation is the perfect strategy.

LOGA came out last year as well stating we cannot take another Edwards term in Baton Rouge:

"He sent letters to all the coastal parishes, saying, 'Sue the oil industries, sue them all, and if you don't sue them,' he told them, 'I will.'"

Now we have the latest coming from our neighbors to the west:

To put Texas oil production in perspective, if it were a country, it would be the world's third oil producer sometime this year, behind only Russia and Saudi Arabia, HSBC said in a report. The main engine of Texas oil output is the Permian basin that spans West Texas and southeastern New Mexico and is one of the most prolific oil and gas producing regions in the U.S. The Permian Basin is approximately 250 miles wide and 300 miles long, across West Texas and southeastern New Mexico. It encompasses several sub-basins, including the Delaware Basin and the Midland Basin.

If you’re dependent on the oil and gas industry to support your families and you continue to defend this governor, you need your head examined.

Looks like the best place for a Louisiana citizen to continue to make a living in this industry is in Texas.

Posted on February 13, 2019 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

Vote for “Honor Code” They Said...........

...........It’ll be great they said. ​

Photo source: State of Louisiana

Photo source: State of Louisiana

On the eve of an upcoming re-election for Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards and his leadership in the state gives us this for 3+ years. 

 “Zippia's survey on the 10 best state's in America for jobs doesn't bode well for Louisiana. The Bayou State was ranked 50th.”

Don’t believe all the propaganda coming out of Baton Rouge. It ain’t all good in the Bayou State. 

Read more:  Louisiana ranked worst state to find job, survey sys

Posted on February 6, 2019 and filed under Louisiana, John Bel Edwards.

"Honor Code" Announces Re-election Intentions and a GOP Candidate Responds

Photo source: Wikipedia

Photo source: Wikipedia

Republican Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Ralph Abraham issued the following statement in response to Edwards' campaign launch video:

"Louisiana has seen the largest tax increase in state history, years of out-migration by the thousands, one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, failing grades for fiscal policy, and one of the weakest economies in the US under John Bel Edwards’ watch. If he's bragging about those as first term achievements, I'd hate to see what the next four years would look like. Louisiana is clearly on the wrong path, and the only way to correct it is with a new governor."

Read more: Governor Edwards issues video touting re-election bid

LAGOP Statement On John Bel Edwards Running For Re-Election 

Photo source:

Photo source:

Baton Rouge, LA - Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards formally announced his campaign for re-election as Louisiana's governor. Since taking office, John Bel Edwards has continually signed tax increases, crippled the state’s business climate, and followed the progressive left-wing policies which hurt working families. We cannot afford to have another term with John Bel Edwards’ regressive, anti-growth agenda. Louisiana deserves new leadership in 2019.

“After 3 years and countless sessions, Louisianans' have received nothing but empty promises and a state that places last in just about every category. Governor Edwards continues to preach about “reaching across the aisle” but has yet to stray from his party’s tax and spend agenda,” said LAGOP Chairman Louis Gurvich.

“As we have seen repeatedly, Gov. Edwards continues to put his Democrat progressive political agenda, friends and donors over our hard-working Louisiana voters. Our state must get away from the “Huey Long” way of doing things. John Bel Edwards used the slogan “Honor Code” in his 2015 campaign speeches saying, “he would not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those who do” as of today, we feel this Governor has not lived up to this slogan,” said Executive Director Andrew Bautsch.

Louisianans can be confident that we will push back over the coming months to ensure Louisiana gets the leader it so desperately needs!

Posted on January 23, 2019 and filed under John Bel Edwards, LAGOP, Louisiana.

Another Huge Development for the Oil and Gas Industry in Louisiana

Photo source: The Oil and Gas Year

Photo source: The Oil and Gas Year

Despite the various attempts by our own Governor “Honor Code” to cripple the oil and gas industry here in Louisiana, BP has made the following announcement concerning their Atlantis Field off the coast:

 The company made the announcement Tuesday morning regarding its $1.3 billion development in the Atlantis Field, which is about 130 miles south of the Louisiana coast. The approval comes after recent BP made breakthroughs in advanced seismic imaging and reservoir characterization that revealed an additional 400 million barrels of oil in place at the Atlantis field.

Read more:  BP announces $1.3 billion development in offshore drilling off Louisiana coast

Posted on January 8, 2019 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Oil and Gas, Louisiana.

AG Jeff Landry Kicks "Honor Code" in the Backside Yet Again

Photo source: Louisiana Dept. of Justice

Photo source: Louisiana Dept. of Justice

In yet another installment of “AG Landry kicks “Honor Code” Edwards in the backside”, the below happened in state court yesterday:

A testy dispute between former state Sen. Larry Bankston and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry over who should represent the state's contractor licensing board doesn't belong in the courts, a state appeals court ruled Thursday.

It what seems like an almost weekly occurrence, Landry has repeatedly shown the Cajun Obama that he is not above the laws of the State of Louisiana and that he is beholden to such.

Landry, a Republican, initially questioned whether Bankston, a convicted felon who was temporarily disbarred, should be allowed to work for the state. Bankston, a Democrat, is an ally of Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards.

At least we have one person in State office that respects the rule of law and the Constitution of Louisiana. Sadly, the Governor of our state does not.

Read more: AG Jeff Landry, ex-state Sen. Larry Bankston dispute doesn't belong in court, appeals court says

Posted on January 4, 2019 and filed under Jeff Landry, John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

The Fruits of a Tax and Spend Governor

Photo source: Wikipedia  

Photo source: Wikipedia  

Personal income in Louisiana growth slowed to a 2.3 percent rate in the third quarter of this year, a smaller gain than almost every other state, newly released figures show.

The U.S. grew personal income by 4 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. Personal income includes income from labor, owning a home or business, financial assets and transfers.

Louisiana ranked 48th in the rate of growth. Mississippi, also at 2.3 percent, ranked 49th, and Missouri, at 2.1 percent, ranked 50th.

The state added $1.19 billion in personal income during the period, including $796 million in net earnings.

Farm earnings took the biggest hit in the quarter, down $101 million. Mining, quarrying and oil and gas extraction fell by $75 million.

Read more:  Louisiana personal income growth lags behind nation in third quarter

AMERICAN TORT REFORM: Louisiana Named No. 5 Judicial Hellhole in the Country

Governor Edwards’ litigious attacks against oil and gas industry contribute to poor legal climate

Photo source: Judicial Hellholes

Photo source: Judicial Hellholes

Dec. 4, 2018 (WASHINGTON) – Today, the American Tort Reform Foundation released its annual Judicial Hellholes report and named Louisiana as the No. 5 Judicial Hellhole in the country.

Louisiana earned its way into the Top 5 through the state’s hiring of contingency-fee lawyers to target energy companies and the legislature’s failure to address lawsuit abuse.

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards, a former trial lawyer, came into office and quickly hired campaign donors and trial lawyer colleagues to represent the state in more than 40 lawsuits against energy companies. Governor Edwards filed the lawsuits after the companies would not comply with his ultimatum demanding that they spend billions of dollars restoring the eroding coastline of the Pelican State.

“The evidence that oil and gas exploration is solely to blame for coastal erosion simply does not exist,” American Tort Reform Association President Tiger Joyce said. “These lawsuits have done nothing to solve the issue but instead only created unnecessary job loss for Louisianans.”

Louisiana posted the worst economic performance in the country in 2017 according to the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis, and was one of just three states in which the economy shrank.

Governor Edwards is not the only Louisianan needlessly filing lawsuits. The state also is a hotbed for lawsuits claiming small businesses are in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The claims often involve serial plaintiffs and are filed without giving notice to the business owner, denying them the opportunity to address the issue outside of court.

“Lawsuits like these against small mom-and-pop businesses are wrong,” Joyce said. “These are folks who don’t have access to full-fledged corporate legal teams. They are good people who want to serve their customers, but instead, trial lawyers are taking them to court and putting small business owners through the ringer.”

As of June, Louisiana was among the Top 10 states for these types of lawsuits in federal court in 2018. The problems don’t end with frivolous lawsuits – Louisiana also has the second-most expensive auto insurance rates in the country. Fifty-five percent of Louisianans drive uninsured or underinsured, encouraging drivers to turn to the courts for larger payouts when accidents occur. Trial lawyers then work behind the scenes to drive up payout costs on even the most minor fender benders, which then forces the insurance companies to increase rates year after year.

Louisiana’s legislature had the opportunity to pass legislation addressing these litigation abuses, which would have made evidence that a person was not wearing a seatbelt at the time of an accident admissible in court. The current law in Louisiana does not allow the jury to consider this evidence when determining damage awards. The bill passed the House but died in the Senate.

“Louisiana finds itself in a bad cycle of trial lawyers driving up insurance costs, drivers then being unable to afford the necessary auto insurance, and then going to court to seek payouts,” Joyce said. “Revisiting and passing this commonsense piece of legislation would be a step in the right direction to address Louisiana’s high insurance rates and help make auto insurance more affordable for hardworking Louisianans.”

A recent report states that excessive tort costs in Louisiana resulted in a loss of more than 15,000 permanent jobs as of 2018 in addition to $1.1 billion in annual direct costs.

The full ranking of the nation’s Judicial Hellholes are:

  1. California

  2. Florida

  3. New York City

  4. St. Louis

  5. Louisiana

  6. Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas

  7. New Jersey Legislature

  8. Madison and St. Clair Counties, Ill.

  9. Twin Cities, Minn.

To view the full report and read further updates throughout the year, visit


About the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA): The American Tort Reform Association, based in Washington, D.C., is the only national organization dedicated exclusively to tort and liability reform through public education and the enactment of legislation. Its members include nonprofit organizations and small and large companies, as well as trade, business and professional associations from the state and national level. The American Tort Reform Foundation is a sister organization dedicated primarily to research and public education.

OPINION: We Are Now Entering the Louisiana 2019 Election Cycle

Cajun Conservatism.jpg

While most of the nation is breathing a sigh of relief that the federal elections are over, for now, Louisiana politicos woke up on November 7th with one reality: the race for Governor starts now. That's right folks, we are officially in the 2019 electoral cycle. Sure, pieces of this puzzle started coming together months ago, but now plans and preparations, for what will no doubt be a highly contested governor's race, will be sent into over drive. 

The race for Louisiana's top job will quickly take shape over the next few weeks. Governor Edwards will officially announce his intent to seek re-election, Baton Rouge businessman Eddie Rispone will officially kick off his campaign, and Senator John Kennedy will make a final decision before the end of the month. 

With his approval rating currently sitting in the area of 40%, JBE will stop at nothing to avoid a repeat of Governor Blanco's "one and done" experience. He will pull out all the stops to ignite his base and reaffirm his position with the trial lawyers that helped secure the 4th floor of the state capitol for him in 2015. He will continue to cozy up to his union cronies, push for teacher pay raises, and sacrifice the abundance of Louisiana's natural resources by way of destroying our economy to satisfy the leftist, liberal activist, like General Honore's GreenARMY, that have swept the state during his first term.   

We have already seen evidence of this detrimental partnership when the administration caved to environmentalists demands when they forced the Governor’s hand to nix the plans of Explosive Services International (ESI) to keep the burn chamber at Camp Minden functioning. And then again when he put a stop to plans to bring another burn chamber to the Slaughter area. This project, which had major, bi-partisan support from local officials, would have provided high quality jobs to a rural area. 

One has to wonder how many companies, with high quality, blue collar jobs, are going to pack their bags? We have already seen companies refusing to reinvest in Louisiana because of the legal climate that the Edwards Administration has fostered. Between the legacy lawsuits that run rampant, the lack of corporate tax incentives, and the eroding quality of life in Louisiana, is it really any surprise that the Pelican state suffers from an out-migration issue? 

If all this sounds a little doom and gloom, it’s probably because it is. Don’t let that 40% approval rating make you comfortable. The trial lawyer money is flowing, the environmental activists are activated and ramping into full gear for 2019 and this show is just getting started. Conservatives need to unite behind one candidate and beat John Bel. A rerun of the 2015 Republican primary will only help assure the Governors re-elect. 

Chris Gary - Cajun Conservatism

Posted on November 13, 2018 and filed under John Bel Edwards, John Kennedy, Louisiana.


Photo source: Facebook

Photo source: Facebook

Over the weekend, WBRZ Television station in Baton Rouge broke the story that convicted felon, and former mayor of New Roads Robert Myer, voted in the recent federal elections.

If this doesn’t sound right, it’s because it is not!

It is illegal for convicted felons to vote...even if the Governor's political appointees try and allow it. As reported by WBRZ, under the leadership of Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin, prior to every election, he receives a list from the Department of Corrections of criminals who are not eligible to vote. Robert Myer’s name was not on that list. Governor Edwards political appointee Malcolm Myer, Assistant Secretary at the Department of Corrections, and the brother of Robert Myer, did not send the felon’s name to Secretary Ardoin. 

Thankfully Attorney General Landry continues to fight the empty out our jails policy coming from this Administration. Felons voting is just the latest disrespect being shown victims of crime. Our election process is sacred, thank you Attorney General Landry and Secretary of State Ardoin for fighting for accountability.  

Link to WBRZ story here

Citizens for Louisiana Job Creators: AG Jeff Landry: Red River Waterway Appointment Unlawful

Photo source:

Photo source:

This week, Attorney General Jeff Landry exposed Governor Edwards' backroom deal when he appointed his friend, Michael DeVille, to the Red River Waterway Commission.

Based on the opinion released Wednesday by the Louisiana Department of Justice, which was requested by the Caddo Levee District and state Senators Greg Tarver and Barrow Peacock, the pertaining law states that the governor shall appoint from a list of nominees. Carolyn Prator, wife of Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator, was unanimously nominated by the entities responsible for providing the Governor with names to select from for the appointment. Michael DeVille was not a nominee.

Governor Edwards refusal to follow the law is the latest move by the governor to punish his adversaries as it has been widely reported that Governor Edwards refusal to appoint Mrs. Prator is due to the fact that she is the wife of Sheriff Prator who has publicly criticized the Governor's "criminal justice reform" bills that let criminals out of jail every month. 

It has become apparent in the 33 months since John Bel Edwards took office, that the checks and balances the Landry Justice Department provides is needed. 

Thank you General Landry for holding the Edwards Administration accountable.
ICYMI AG Landry TV Clip here:

Copyright © 2018 Citizens for Louisiana Job Creators, All rights reserved.

Posted on September 20, 2018 and filed under Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, Jeff Landry.

Response to an Advocate "Letter to the Editor"

Photo source: WGNO

Photo source: WGNO

In regards to The Advocate's recent response to Attorney General Jeff Landry's request for the rule of law regarding the death penalty, I would like to ask the following questions. Does The Advocate not consider the victim of crimes where the death penalty has been ruled? The response to an act so barbaric that necessitates the use of the death penalty is for coddling? When someone commits first degree murder here in the State of Louisiana, the death penalty is a punishment option and is usually reserved for the most heinous acts. But, according the The Advocate and Gov. John Bel Edwards, no effort should be made to hold those that commit these barbaric acts to account.

Also, The Advocate has called Attorney General Landry's attempts to enforce the rule of law as a political ploy. I hold that the Governor's insistence on ensuring that the death penalty not be enforced is the political ploy in this whole saga. If the Governor would make an ample attempt to work with our AG on ensuring that laws are enforced, then this whole issue would be mute. However, this is kowtowing to political liberal interests and his efforts and legitimizing his office at the expense of the citizens of Louisiana.

Louisiana elected what was termed a "conservative" candidate when they voted for JBE. What we are finding out is that he is nothing more than another tax and spend liberal and the Cajun version of Barack Obama.

Landry: Give Murders Death Penalty Gov Edwards: Hug-A-Convict

Citizens for Louisiana Job Creators issued the following statement regarding the dispute between AG Jeff Landry and Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards on executions in the state: 

Photo source: WGNO

Photo source: WGNO

Attorney General Jeff Landry is once again standing up for victims of violent crime and exposing Governor John Bel Edwards for being weak on crime when it comes to punishing some of the most heinous criminals in the state.

Recently, the Governor voluntarily stayed the executions of some 70 convicted murderers currently sitting on death row in Louisiana, blaming a federal case that has prevented Louisiana from carrying out the death penalty since 2010.  

Instead of working with General Landry and the Louisiana Department of Justice to find alternative options that would allow the state to carry out these executions, and obtain justice for victims and their families, Governor Edwards has refused justice for victims and adopted soft policies on punishing criminals.

Thank you, General Landry, for having the courage to fight for justice on behalf of victims who cannot fight for themselves.

Read General Landry's letter to Governor Edwards

Posted on July 26, 2018 and filed under Jeff Landry, John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

JBE's Chinese Investment Goes Down the Drain

Photo source: Inside Sources

Photo source: Inside Sources

Cajun Conservatism recently pointed out that our governor decided to do business with China in this post.  Now, Congressman Peter King (R-NY) addressed, in a recent House Intel Committee meeting, that a Chinese company, Wanhua Chemical, who John Bel Edwards gave state taxpayer money to, is reconsidering their investment in Louisiana.  As indicated in this piece, it is troubling to have an "economic enemy", as President Trump has called China, acquiring American technology.

China aggressively seeks to acquire American technology and intellectual property through multiple vectors including: physical and cyber theft, forced technology transfers, evading United States export controls, export restraints on raw materials, and investments in more than 600 high-technology assets in the United States worth close to $20 billion.

Secondly, this is a clear indication of the trade imbalance that remains between the US and China.  The main reason that this project was cancelled was because of labor and material costs.  The citizens of Louisiana should be rightly concerned about a plant being built with Chinese material and being fabricated by Chinese labor.


Posted on July 19, 2018 and filed under Economy, Louisiana, John Bel Edwards.

Fake News on the Bayou

Photo source: FreedomWorks

Photo source: FreedomWorks

While states neighboring Louisiana and other competing states are enacting pro-growth tax reform to make their states more attractive destinations for the expected uptick in global capital flows into the U.S., Gov. Edwards is busying implementing fiscal policies that make Louisiana less attractive to investors and site selectors. Despite all of this bad news, one can forgive folks in Louisiana for not being aware of what an outlier the Pelican State has become, seeing as those who report on state government in Baton Rouge have a habit of obscuring basic facts, such as whether lawmakers are raising or cutting tax rates.

Read more: Fake News On The Bayou: How One Governor's Tax Hike Becomes A Tax Cut

Posted on July 19, 2018 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana, Taxes.