Posts filed under John Bel Edwards

Why Are Louisiana Taxpayers Subsidizing America’s “Economic Enemy,” The People’s Republic of China?

Photo source: Inside Sources  

Photo source: Inside Sources  

If Donald Trump is having a trade war with China, word has yet to reach Louisiana.

At the same time the Trump administration is calling China “an economic enemy” and their business practices a threat to “the economic and national security of the U.S.,” Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) has identified the People’s Republic as his state’s “primary foreign direct investment” partner.

Read more: Why Are Louisiana Taxpayers Subsidizing America’s “Economic Enemy,” The People’s Republic of China?

Posted on June 22, 2018 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Open Letter to Governor John Bel Edwards - Hand Delivered to Governor Edwards on Thursday, June 7, 2018

Third Special Session starts June 18th


Louisiana House Republicans

Sponsored ⋅ Paid for by Louisiana House Republican Delegation ·

Governor Edwards,

On behalf of the Republican Delegation of the Louisiana House of Representatives and the millions of Louisiana residents we represent, we ask that you put careful consideration into the scope and inclusions of your call for our third extraordinary session of 2018 to include structural budgetary reform and cost savings measures in lieu of taxes alone.

While it is your right as the chief executive of the state to set the agenda for any special legislative session that you call, we ask that you consider the results of the two previous special sessions and know that our constituents continue to resoundingly tell us that state government should live within its means.

We agree in the necessity of funding our essential priorities. We also believe that it is necessary to enact transparent budgeting and spending policies and reduce the size of state government.

We sincerely hope that you will consider supporting and including the following bipartisan solutions in your call. To ask for taxes without reform could very well yield a similar result to previous attempts at the same.

- Sign SB13 (Ward) - The Louisiana Checkbook.

- Reconsider HB12 & HB15 from the first special session of 2018 (Barras) - Provides for changes in the expenditure limit calculation.

- Give the legislative auditor the authority to audit the records of any state agency for the purpose of auditing programs that expend taxpayer funds and ensuring legal compliance.

Before we enact yet another tax, it is imperative that the taxpayers see that you are willing to allow the legislature the ability to identify areas of waste, fraud, and abuse in addition to allowing for a transparent and savings-minded approach to government spending.

We remain committed to the principles our constituents sent us to Baton Rouge to stand for. We also believe our constituents expect us to work for solutions that ensure Louisiana government funds its critical priorities, as demonstrated by our continued efforts to meet you more than half-way. We remain committed to working in good faith for the betterment of Louisiana.

AFP-Louisiana Releases Statement on Conclusion of Special Session

Group commends lawmakers on principled stand against tax increases

Photo source: AFP Twitter

Photo source: AFP Twitter

BATON ROUGE, La. - Americans for Prosperity-Louisiana (AFP-LA) State Director John Kay released the following statement Monday night after legislators adjourned from special session:

"We applaud House members for taking a principled stand against tax increases. Having no tax increases advance is a win for Louisianans.

"This should be a clear message to the governor that another legislative session that wastes taxpayer money is not welcomed. They should refuse to adjourn another session and force government to live within it's means."

Posted on June 5, 2018 and filed under Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, Republicans.

LAGOP: The Battle Lines


As the budget battle rages in the legislature and each side seeks to gain the moral high ground in the eyes of the public, we thought it would be a good time to revisit recent history and remind everyone how we arrived at this point:

Recall that the John Bel Edwards administration’s original fiscal cliff estimate was $1.3B, which then changed to $1.1B, before morphing into $994M as recently as April of this year. Only after the non-partisan Revenue Estimating Conference reported a more realistic (but still excessive-see below) estimated deficit figure of $648M, did Governor Edwards reluctantly and belatedly adopt this number as his latest “fiscal cliff”.

As we can now clearly discern, the fiscal cliff had already miraculously diminished to less than half of the Governor’s initial claim, or rather demand, for more taxes, but even so the House Fiscal Division then most unhelpfully (from the Governor’s perspective), calculated the actual number to be no more than $495M. Our Republican legislators’ trust in this administration’s deficit figures are by now understandably at low ebb.

Bluntly speaking, the Governor and his legislative allies have not been truthful with the public about the fiscal cliff. Rather, the Governor has repeatedly and over a period of years used wildly differing numbers which he knew were inaccurate at the time, to terrorize the public and its legislative representatives into raising taxes unnecessarily. He further compounded this chicanery by loudly proclaiming the approaching end of the state hospital system and the ejection of 37,000 nursing home residents onto the streets, albeit the public was at least spared on this particular occasion from the impending specter of the demise of the LSU football program. There is of course no reason to believe that he has now abandoned this ruse, but the damage done by this Governor’s lack of honesty is plain for all to see in the shattered wreckage left by nine legislative sessions in just over two years, and the terrific toll this has taken on our legislators, both Republican and Democrat alike.

But there is much more: The Governor’s current deficit figure is based on his administration’s requests for monies for the various departments of state government, which of course includes increases that have already been factored into the fiscal cliff. We believe that rather than increasing the budget of our state’s government, which is widely acknowledged to be the most bloated and inefficient in the entire country, we could most certainly reduce most departments by a reasonable amount (2-4%, for example). These reductions would in no wise impair the functioning of our government. Increasing governmental efficiencies is after all nothing more than was promised to us by John Bel Edwards himself, along with his many other long since forgotten campaign promises, including his promise not to raise taxes.

Continuing onward (or should we say ‘downward’?), the state’s own legislative auditor has stated that the purging of the vastly expanded Medicaid rolls of those ineligible to receive such assistance (thank you again, Governor Edwards), would by itself resolve the fiscal cliff within a short time. All that would be necessary is the willingness of this administration to compare the income tax returns of Medicaid applicants and recipients with the income declared on their Medicaid application form, and tens of thousands would be removed forthwith from the rolls. Additional savings could be gained merely by eliminating the 25% income error allowance for applicants, who should full well be able to determine their true income to within a few percent.

As the tax battle unfolded on the Senate side, HB 27 by Rep. Lance Harris (R, Alexandria), an attempt at compromise which sought to raise $365M by raising sales taxes 1/3 of a cent while reducing government spending, received rough treatment at the hands of the Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Committee chaired by Rep. J. P. Morrell (D, New Orleans). More properly, one should say that the original bill had already been hijacked by Democrats, who immediately added over $300M in additional taxes, which would essentially grant Governor Edwards demand for $648M in taxes if it were to become law. So much for Republicans’ attempt at compromise!

Which leads us to the present. The next few days will determine not just the size of the tax increase to be borne by our tax-paying citizenry, but also the direction of our state government and thus the future of all Louisianians. At issue are fundamental questions: Whether we will demand that our government live within its means, or allow it to grow ever larger and less accountable to the people? And whether Louisiana will make an attempt to become competitive with other states, or continue to lose business, wealth, and population to our neighbors?

Let us hope that all of our Republican legislators, both senators and representatives alike, join in holding the line on taxes and supporting Rep. Harris’ original bill, or something very much like it. There is too much at stake to allow for anything less.


Louis Gurvich, Chairman
Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on June 1, 2018 and filed under Louisiana, LAGOP, John Bel Edwards.

LAGOP Rebuttal to Gov. John Bel Edwards Address


 “Our Louisiana residents do not want higher income taxes or higher sales taxes. They want good, honest government, a government that can live within its means. The Governor has taken every opportunity to raise taxes, and continues to use scare tactics to bend the legislature to his will.”

Posted on May 24, 2018 and filed under Louisiana, Republicans, John Bel Edwards.

"Honor Code" is Taking His Crap on the Road

Photo source: KATC

Photo source: KATC

This is not leadership.  This is pandering to the lowest denominator.  First, it was college football.  That didn't work.  Next it was sending out letters to elderly in the nursing facilities threatening eviction.  That didn't work.  Let's go after the college kids now.

Honor Code my ass.

Cut spending and live within your mean like everyone else in this state has to do in times of crisis.

2109 can't come soon enough to get rid of this turd.

Read more: Gov. Edwards in Lafayette to address upcoming special session

More Consequences of Honor Code’s Lawsuits

Photo source: Twitter

Photo source: Twitter

As we’ve reported on quite a bit, Gov. Honor Code and his trial attorney band of brothers have had a vendetta against the oil and gas industry in this state, being bound and determined to milk this vital life blood in this state to the last drop.  

Now, the latest to turn away from the Pelican State because of our legal atmosphere is the Bassmaster fishing tournament, which contributes millions in revenue.  

 “For the foreseeable future, we can’t have a level playing field there because of the access problems,” said BASS Conservation Director Gene Gilliland. “Louisiana just has some very peculiar laws that don’t mesh well with tournaments and that are going to deter a lot of recreational fishermen as well. Who knows how much they’ll lose?”

But, if you listen to the mainstream media here in Louisiana, what we have is a moderate Democrat leading this state.  

Don’t blame me though. I voted for Vitter. 

Read more:  Bassmaster tournaments seek calmer waters as La. trial lawyers spoil ‘sportsmen’s paradise’

JBE and His Trial Lawyer Buddies At Work

Photo source: Twitter

Photo source: Twitter

Don’t blame me. I voted for Vitter. 

Here is the latest in John Bel Edwards’ and his cronies scheme to milk the oil and gas industry for billions.  

But shakedowns aren't usually grounded in compelling evidence, and Louisiana appears to view liberal New York City and San Francisco as models to follow. A network of trial lawyers recently filed 42 lawsuits for six parishes alleging oil and gas companies are responsible for the state's coastal erosion and seeking damages.

Read more:  Louisiana Follows Liberal New York City's Lead In Going After Oil Companies

LAGOP: A First Step Towards Fiscal Sanity


The Louisiana House has passed its proposed budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year. Traditionally known as House Bill 1 (or HB1), the bill is now on its way to the Louisiana Senate. This action is the Constitutionally mandated first step in the legislative process of passing a final budget, one that we can only hope will spend money which is actually available and force state government to live within its means.

All and sundry know full well that HB1 will be revised in the Senate and the final version must be approved by both chambers before it can be sent to the Governor for action. Yet John Bel Edwards immediately assailed the House budget for being so miserly that it would (allegedly) force the shutdown of hospitals, the cancellation of home care programs, and cause irretrievable damage to higher education in Louisiana. (At this point we should remind our readers that this is the same Governor who until a few short days ago maintained that the “fiscal cliff” was far higher than it actually was, in order to alarm the voting public and justify a massive and as it turns out, largely unnecessary tax increase.) He went on to unhelpfully proclaim that the Senate could not fix the budget presented by the House, preferring to sabotage HB1 so that the difficult battle to pass a budget could be fought all over again in the upcoming special session.

Indeed, the Governor is in an unbecoming hurry to entirely shut down this regular session of the legislature, because state law forbids the raising of taxes in regular sessions in even numbered years. Although he evaded this law in 2016 and will do so once again in 2018 by calling special sessions wherein taxes can be raised, in the meantime any legislature which cannot raise taxes is obviously of no use to him whatsoever. He has long since reneged on his explicit and frequently repeated campaign promises to the people of Louisiana that he would not raise their taxes but would cut wasteful government spending.

The remaining weeks of this regular session could be gainfully utilized in cutting government waste, prioritizing spending cuts to make them more palatable and effective, and revisiting the hundreds of statutory dedications currently exempt from the budget. These actions would further reduce the fiscal cliff and minimize the need for new taxes, but efficient and responsible government is not what John Bel Edwards is all about.

What certainly could be accomplished in this regular session is the passing of a budget by the Louisiana legislature, exactly as was intended by the framers of our Constitution. The legislature could then have a budget to work from and could begin to identify any specific areas which required fiscal adjustments, without revisiting the difficult and painful budgeting process all over again. We hope that our entire Republican delegation in the legislature can work towards this goal, along with the near extinct breed of fiscally responsible Democrats which may still occasionally be found within the Capitol’s environs.

Louis Gurvich, Chairman - Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on April 23, 2018 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana, Republicans.

What is The Reasoning Behind Jack Montoucet Moving the LDWF Offices???

Photo source: LDWF

Photo source: LDWF

Earlier in the month of March, a story started gaining traction that Sec. Jack Montoucet, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries secretary, was planning to consolidate the offices of the LDWF in New Iberia and Opelousas into a location that was being purchased in Lafayette.  The reason?  Sec. Montoucet has stated that he is unable to expand the location in New Iberia, repairs that are necessary for both locations and the need for a centralized location outside of Baton Rouge. 

As a result of the decision to close both locations, parish and city leaders from both areas met with Sec. Montoucet to discuss their concerns.  Among those in attendance was Port of Iberia Director and former State Senator, Craig Romero.  Romero offered property within the Port of Iberia to the LDWF in order to keep the department within Iberia Parish, which was done free of charge. This was offered as a result of the assistance the State of Louisiana has given the Port of Iberia with development costs for many years in the past. The Port felt it was time to repay for all favors in the past. Sec. Montoucet did not respond to that offer.  Additionally, the state owns vacant property in New Iberia that was being used for vocational training.  The campus is large enough to house the operations that are needed in Iberia Parish and can easily meet the needs that Montoucet has stated he requires.

The problem with this whole issue is that, on an almost daily basis, we are reminded by Gov. "Honor Code" that the state is broke.  The property in Lafayette is valued at $7 million dollars and is located in the heart of the city.  Does anyone with a modicum of intelligence think that this is a good idea?  How is it efficient to send boats from Lafayette to respond to calls in Loreauville, Jeanerette or areas in the eastern part of Iberia Parish.  How is it safe to be pulling boats through Lafayette to Dulles Drive?  Some of these boats are over 40 feet long and require a permit to be moved.  How are we going to pay for this location?  Oh, I think I know how.  Raise "fees".

Montoucet has floated the time honored tradition here in Louisiana of raising fees, this time on the backs of hunters and fishermen in the Sportsman's Paradise.  Per this piece from The Advocate, the following is being proposed:

License fees for basic fishing would rise by 42 percent and 33 percent for hunters under a proposal outlined Monday by the secretary for the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries.

Jack Montoucet, a former state legislator who leads the agency, said the increases are needed to offset a wide range of financial problems, including the loss of $65 million since 2009 because of state budget problems.

This seems like nothing more than another attempt to spend money on the backs of the taxpayers of the State of Louisiana.  When are we going to stop letting these "public servants" shove it to us on a consistent basis. 

Similar to the "Drain the Swamp" campaign that is trending regarding Washington, D.C., we need to "Drain the Stick" here in Louisiana.

OPINION: U.S. Sen. John Kennedy, AG Jeff Landry column: Criminal justice reform actually hurting public safety

Photo source: The Advocate  

Photo source: The Advocate  

We’ve got to be smarter about this. We can’t let prisoners go simply to cut down on the cost of bologna sandwiches. Public safety needs to come first.

Read more:  U.S. Sen. John Kennedy, AG Jeff Landry column: Criminal justice reform actually hurting public safety

I Can't Wait Until This "Honorable" Clown is Out of Office

Photo source: YouTube

Photo source: YouTube

If you work in the oil and gas industry and continue to support both JBE and the Democrat Party, then you need to have your head examined.  I give you the latest from the "Honorable One".  It wasn't enough to go after the oil and gas industry last year regarding coastal erosion.  He's now determined it's time to extort them even more.

The self righteous that couldn't bring themselves to vote for a true conservative in Vitter, congrats.  This crap is all your fault and when he's done in another year or two, this state will be poorer yet.

Honor Code my ass..............................


Read more: The Governor and Louisiana Lawyers Plot an Energy Shakedown

"Honor Code" Is Bragging About This?????

After doing all he can to kill the oil and gas industry here in the State of Louisiana, our own "Honor Code" and the Louisiana version of Barack Obama, John Bel Edwards, has come out with a statement touting the creation of a whopping 150 new jobs in the Monroe area with CenturyLink.  

I would be more likely to believe that this deal was done in response to the recent changes in the tax system implemented by the Republicans in Congress and pushed by President Trump rather that the "business climate" within this state.  "Honor Code" has done nothing in his two years as governor, other than raise taxes on both the citizens of the state and the companies that do business here.  

If there is anything more apparent that this clown tripped into his office, then I don't know any.  The sanctimonious Vitter critics should be proud of the circus being run in Louisiana.  But don't blame it on us that supported the Republican candidate in the last governor's election.  We all voted for Vitter.

John Bel Edwards' Criminal Release Program Isn't Working Out That Well

Photo source: WWL

Photo source: WWL

As per a recent WWL report, another one of our esteemed governor's early released prisoners has ended up right back in jail not long after his release.

Alton Brooks Jr. was most recently arrested Friday after Kenner Police said he was shoplifting at a Winn Dixie on Williams Boulevard.

The 49-year-old man was released Nov. 1, along with hundreds of other inmates who got another shot at life due to a new set of state laws that overhauled the criminal justice system.

This, along with a string of other early released prisoners, have recidivated since release from the state prison system.

Source: Man arrested four times since early release from prison

Posted on January 8, 2018 and filed under John Bel Edwards.

Louisiana Ranks High in "Judicial Hellhole" Report


“Rounding out the latest Hellholes list is #8 Louisiana,” Joyce reported, “where a former trial lawyer turned governor cheerleads litigation against the Pelican State’s critical energy industry and has hired rich political donors to run it. Ethically challenged judges and seemingly bogus ADA lawsuits make things worse.” 

Read more:  Louisiana Ranks High in "Judicial Hellhole" Report

Posted on December 9, 2017 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Louisiana Citizens for Job Creators: Video details Fraud, LA Tax dollars shipped to other states

Photo source: Facebook  

Photo source: Facebook  

Louisiana Citizens for Job Creators put out the following regarding rampant waste within the Louisiana DHS and "Honor Code" wanting more of the Louisiana taxoayer's money. 

  • Louisiana saw over $40 million in Medicaid fraud in 2016.
  • $2.5 Million of OUR Louisiana tax dollars were sent to folks living in other states.
  • All of this while the Louisiana Department of Hospitals budget skyrocketed up 60%!

And now the Louisiana Department of Hospitals wants another $2 Billion of our tax dollars?!?

What did the Louisiana legislature say about all of this? Governor Edwards bypassed them and awarded a $15 BILLION contract without their approval.

See the breaking video for all the facts.

Posted on November 29, 2017 and filed under Louisiana, Taxes, John Bel Edwards.

Citizens for Louisiana Job Creators: Released Prisoner Arrested for Armed Robbery

Photo source: WWL

Photo source: WWL

Just a week after the Department of Corrections released 1900 criminals,WWL TV reports a habitual offender -- who was supposed to be in jail for 12 years but got out in 3 years -- robbed a man at gunpoint.

Governor Edwards' staffer, James Leblanc, indicated we needed to give the "reforms" time to work. Perhaps we could suggest that anyone who has SIXTY FOUR counts of burglary NOT be set free when Governor Edwards and the Department of Corrections decides to let the next batch of 1500+ criminals out of jail on December 1. 

As we said last week, lock your doors and as U.S. Senator Kennedy has suggested "you ought to own a handgun just in case."

Posted on November 9, 2017 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Louisiana Citizens for Job Creators: AG Landry Victory Against Transgender Expansion

Photo source: LA Attorney General

Photo source: LA Attorney General

Attorney General Jeff Landry has won yet another legal battle against Governor John Bel Edwards. Landry challenged Edward’s executive order expanding LGBT benefits for state workers. Landry believed the order exceeded Edward’s authority. 
A three-judge panel of Louisiana’s 1st Circuit Court of Appeal ruled unanimously. The executive order was an unconstitutional attempt to expand state law.
Landry said, “We have stated all along that the Governor must follow the law, just like everybody else. This ruling affirms a notion of basic civics that the Legislature makes the law, not the Governor.”
We commend Attorney General Landry on his on this victory as he continues to execute his authority as the state’s chief legal officer.