Posts filed under John Bel Edwards

Louisiana Family Forum Urges Citizens to Petition Governor and Attorney General Regarding Restroom Issue

Photo source: Protect Louisiana Children

Photo source: Protect Louisiana Children

As per the email sent out to their supporters this afternoon, the Louisiana Family Forum urges citizens to take part in a petition to Gov. Edwards and AG Landry over the Obama administration's decision to implement radical changes regarding gender issues within the state of Louisiana:

If you thought the Obama administration would gently ride off into the sunset, think again.

The Departments of Justice and Education are once again exceeding their lawful authority by sending a letter to every public school district in America threatening loss of federal aid if local districts do not adopt genderless bathroom policies, which would allow self-identified transgendered students to use facilities such as restrooms, showers, and locker rooms of the opposite biological sex. Under the farce of "protecting students from discrimination," these federal bullies have painted a bulls-eye on little girls and boys.

If Louisiana does not speak up now, there's no limit to what the President will do next. Please join LFF in signing the petition below urging Governor Edwards and Attorney General Jeff Landry to protect the safety of Louisiana children. 11,000 have signed the petition so far. Let your voice be heard today! SIGN NOW and forward to your friends!

One Photo Shows the Liberal Definition of Diversity

In what appears to be a photo taken in the Governor's Office in Baton Rouge, the Louisiana Governor's Instagram account shared a photo of "Chief Diversity Officers" for colleges and universities across the state meeting to discuss the session and the budget.  In what can only be defined as liberal logic, all of these "diversity officers" are African-American.

Photo source: Instagram

Photo source: Instagram

Imagine, if you will, if the Republican Party would put together a group of people meeting in the Capitol to discuss the session who were all of one race and call themselves "diversity officers", the howls that would be heard around this state.

But, hypocrisy knows no boundaries when it comes to the Democrat Party and the liberal agenda.

Posted on March 1, 2016 and filed under Louisiana, John Bel Edwards.

Americans for Prosperity - Louisiana Release "Enough is Enough"

Photo source : YouTube  

Photo source : YouTube  

AFP Louisiana has responded with the below video regarding the decision by Gov. "Honor Code" to seek higher "sources of revenue" (more of your money) to solve the budget mess that he personally took part in while a member of the Louisiana Legislature. 

LAGOP Issue Statement Regarding Expansion of Medicaid in Louisiana

Photo source: LAGOP

Photo source: LAGOP

Edwards' Medicaid Expansion is bad fiscal and health care policy
If hosting President Obama in Baton Rouge and compounding the state's fiscal challenges by expanding Medicaid are Governor John Bel Edwards' ideas for bringing Louisianans together, he's sadly mistaken.

"Governor Edwards is beginning his tenure by making a critical mistake on the very important issue of health care," Republican Party Executive Director Jason Dore said today.

"Obamacare's Medicaid expansion will cost the state more than $1.3 billion over the next decade, based on 2015 DHH estimates, crowding out funding for other priorities like higher education. Expanding Medicaid will force 224,000 Louisianians from private insurance to Medicaid rolls," he said.

Medicaid expansion prioritizes coverage of able-bodied adults over individuals with disabilities. Medicaid is a program that was never meant to cover able-bodied individuals to this scale. Therefore it has become an inefficient program that delivers poor health outcomes.

If Obamacare is expanded, it means that 40 percent of Louisiana’s population would be put on a Medicaid program that is antiquated, poorly run, and delivers inferior health care. The Oregon Experiment found that, contrary to the president’s promises, throwing more people on Medicaid does not improve physical health outcomes and does not decrease their use of emergency rooms. Expanding Medicaid to cover these households instead increases their emergency-room use by 40 percent.

"We can't trust the federal government," Dore said. "Funding for Obamacare is unstable. The payment for Obamacare continues to unravel, which will encourage cost-shifting to states, putting Louisiana on the hook for additional spending. The instability could threaten the state’s ability to fund education and transportation and could force future tax increases on Louisianians," he said.

Current assumptions of total cost to the state are based on the assumption that the federal government keeps its promise regarding the enhanced federal match rate (FMAP). With a over $18 trillion debt, promises of more federal money are a risky bet. Louisianians know from experience that federal funding can’t be counted on.

"A recent report from the Congressional Research Service confirms what many policy experts have known for some time: States that reject Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion aren’t sending that Medicaid expansion money to other states. Instead, that money is simply never spent. ...As the Congressional Budget Office has repeatedly pointed out, states that reject Obamacare expansion are reducing federal spending. The Obama administration confirmed that rejected Medicaid expansion saved federal taxpayers at least $26 billion in 2014. If those states continue to reject Obamacare, federal taxpayers will spend $368 billion less on Medicaid expansion through 2022," Dore said.

Posted on January 13, 2016 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Here is The Roll Call for the Speaker of the House Vote Today

Photo source: Louisiana House of Representatives

Photo source: Louisiana House of Representatives

The Louisiana House of Representatives, for the first time in modern history, has denied the Governor his choice for Speaker of the House.  Taylor Barras was elected over the choice of John Bel Edwards, Walt Leger.  The Republicans that joined with the Democrats on the final vote for Leger are as follows:

  • District 12 - Rob Shadoin
  • District 19 - Bubba Chaney
  • District 27 - Chris Hazel
  • District 71 - J. Rogers Pope
  • District 80 - Joseph Lopinto, III
  • District 84 - Patrick Connick
  • District 85 - Bryan J. Adams

The full vote can be found here.


Posted on January 11, 2016 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Full Text of John Bel Edwards' Inauguration Speech

Photo source: The Advocate  

Photo source: The Advocate  

The following is the text of the speech delivered by Gov. John Bel Edwards today at his inauguration. 

Source: The Advocate  

My fellow Louisianans:

I am grateful to be here today and thankful to everyone who has traveled from Amite and other places near and far to join us for this ceremony.

Governor Jindal, the first thing Donna and I want to do is thank you, Mrs. Jindal, and your staff for the efficient and gracious manner in which this transition has been handled. Your kindness and cooperation is a testimony that we can indeed work together for the common good of the state we all love.

Speaking of love, I want to thank the love of my life, my wife Donna, and our children Samantha Bel, Sarah Ellen, and John Miller. Also, I want to thank my mother, Dora Jean Edwards, and pay tribute to my late father Frank Edwards, Jr., who died while the campaign was underway. I miss him terribly and thank him for passing on to me a sense of service, commitment to others, and the value of hard work. I love my parents, siblings, and extended family and thank each of them for helping me stand before the state as Louisiana's Governor.

I especially want to thank all the people of Louisiana - those who have joined us here today and those spread out in each corner of the state.

We are here because you have chosen to rise above partisan politics and put Louisiana First. I was not a business-as-usual candidate, and I will not be a business-as-usual governor. I am, first and foremost, a proud Louisianan.

Like many of you, I grew up in a family that taught me the importance of faith. We filled an entire pew at church every Sunday, and the hardest catechism teacher I ever had was my mother, who taught me in the sixth grade.

Like many of you, I also grew up with a strong appreciation for the sportsmen's paradise we live in. Some of my best memories are of camping with my father and six brothers. Every year, we would float the Tangipahoa River to Manchac, eating whatever we caught or killed along the way. But just in case we came up empty, we'd always bring along some sweet potato pie left over from Thanksgiving. And my favorite memories are those spent sitting around the campfire on cold nights in discussion and debate with my family.

In Louisiana, our land is diverse, our ideas are diverse, and our people are diverse. From the original Native American inhabitants to the French, Spanish, Acadians and Africans.

From the Yugoslavian oyster harvesters to the Sicilian strawberry farmers. Nearly every nation on earth has left its imprint on our culture.

Louisiana is an example to the rest of the country that diversity is a source of strength, not division. That is why I am confident that regardless of party we can band together to rebuild Louisiana. The status quo is not sustainable in a state that is anything but ordinary.

As we prepare to meet the mounting challenges ahead, I am reminded of General MacArthur's farewell address to West Point that duty, honor and country should be rallying points "to build courage when courage seems to fail; to regain faith when there seems to be little cause for faith; to create hope when hope becomes forlorn."

My experience at West Point and my service as an army officer have molded the way I look at the world. Ever since Athens defeated Sparta over 2,500 years ago, and the history of that war was written, military officers have been trained to look at every challenging task in a three step process.

The first step is gathering all the information you can about the job at hand.

The second step is to ask yourself - and knowledgeable people around you - what are our options to successfully address the challenge and which ones best fit our mission and values. That's the choice of a strategy.

And finally, step three is a decision on tactics. How are we going to get it done?

In military terms, victory is won by information (or intelligence), strategy and tactics. THAT is how I propose we proceed in our shared mission of putting Louisiana First.

We must be honest with ourselves and one another. I can tell you I'd rather be here today inheriting a billion dollar surplus, than a $1.9 billion shortfall, but there isn't a challenge we won't meet. We must be grounded in reality and see the facts as they are, not as we want them to be.

First, we need to acknowledge the harsh truths about poverty in our state.

We talk a lot about our abundant natural resources, but we need to talk more about the most precious natural resource God has entrusted to us - our children. In Louisiana, 1 in 4 school-aged children live in poverty. That's unacceptable and it MUST change.

It's unacceptable when a parent's hard work isn't enough to pay the bills or go to a doctor. I've traveled from Algiers to Zwolle and met countless single mothers working for minimum wage behind a cash register at a gas station. Often, it's one of several jobs they have, and they still battle to make ends meet. The faces are different, but their struggles are the same.

On top of not paying our workers a living wage, women in Louisiana make an average 66 cents on the dollar compared to men. We are the worst state in the union for pay equity. That is unacceptable. Not just for my daughters, but for all women.

Second, we've somehow forgotten that education is synonymous with opportunity.

In the past 7 years, we've cut funding for higher education by 700 million dollars - the largest disinvestment in the country - putting campuses on the brink of bankruptcy, and sending many of our best and brightest students out of state.

Tuition increases, also the highest in the nation, have priced many students out of their dreams and are making TOPS unsustainable.

For K through 12 education, while we've had some improvements, we rank 49th in academic achievement. And while our high school graduation rate is at an all-time high, we still fall below the national average.

Last, but certainly not least, we face a daunting fiscal crisis.

We can no longer afford to lurch from year to year, cobbling together temporary fixes and expecting to realize permanent sustainability. If we don't fix the structural budget deficit, we can't fix any of our other problems.

Those are the facts. We are one of the richest states in cultural and natural resources, yet our performance lags in almost every critical category.

There is a lot of serious work ahead of us. As Lincoln put it, "The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate for the stormy present."

We are here because the people of Louisiana believe we can do better. By doing better, we will be better than these rankings suggest.

And we are not going to let you down. This mission is critical, and here are some of the strategies I propose.

We must make it possible for all Louisiana citizens to be healthy and prosperous.

So as promised, tomorrow I am going to accept the federal funding to expand Medicaid so that working families in Louisiana can get access to healthcare. Your tax dollars should not be going to one of the 30 other states that have expanded Medicaid when WE are one of the states that expansion will help the most.

We should make a modest, but meaningful, increase to the minimum wage and the legislature should finally pass effective equal pay so that women, the economic leaders of many households, get the same pay for the same work. We know that when women do well - children prosper too.

This is the very definition of family values.

Next, we need to treat our educators with the respect they deserve and demand the best for our children.

It's been proven time and again that a more educated and trained workforce is our greatest long-term economic generator. So we MUST make college more affordable. We can start by ending double digit tuition hikes. We cannot fund higher education on the backs of our students.

Our state should support our public higher education institutions. We must also increase needbased aid for students ready to enroll in colleges across Louisiana, and work towards a goal of funding higher education at 50% state support and at 50% tuition and fees.

In K through 12 education, we need to promote challenging, Louisiana standards and curriculum, maintain a meaningful accountability system and end the overuse of costly standardized testing.

We should also enhance and protect local control of public education so that taxpayers, voters, and local school boards are empowered to oversee the financial and educational decisions that impact the success of our children.

And finally, our top priority must be stabilizing the budget.

While all options are on the table, we're going to make strategic budget reductions, increase efficiencies, accept OUR federal tax dollars back, and rework the failed system of tax incentives, credits and rebates, which bleed the state's revenue and, too often, leave little to show for the spending.

Now, how are we going to make this happen?

By partnering with the legislature, business and industry, local governments, educators, stakeholders and working people all across this state.

By calling on the kind of discipline, steel-eyed focus, and determination to succeed. by moving ONWARD.

I can't do it alone, and the enormous challenges we face will not be resolved overnight. But together, we will accomplish our mission.

Now is the time for full participation. I am calling on the legislature to work with me and pass sound solutions, and I'm calling on the people of Louisiana to constructively engage and share your thoughts and ideas.

It will be hard work, and it will take sacrifice. But it can be done. It MUST be done.

You can expect the unvarnished truth from this administration regarding the challenges we face, the solutions we propose, and the opportunities we seek.

The breeze of hope that got us here today will also drive a current of change as mighty as the Mississippi. But this river can't flow unless the breeze continues. We must put action before idleness, unity before party, and citizenship before self in order to put Louisiana first.

Like you, I've been here through good times and bad. We are not a perfect state, but we are a resilient one. Following shared sacrifice, there WILL be shared prosperity. I am bullish on our future. Louisiana's best days are certainly ahead, and I want you to be as excited and optimistic as I am.

Remember, after Katrina we battled back and, in fact, we still celebrated Mardi Gras. After the Red River flooded, families still gathered at the state fair. After the oil spill, we didn't give up fishing for oysters and shrimp. The sugar cane still grows in Louisiana. Tourists still flock to the French Quarter. And new industries continue to emerge.

If there are two things we'll never run out of in Louisiana - it's gumbo and gumption.

The people of Louisiana want and deserve a state government as hopeful as they are. I pledge to you that we will deliver on that hope.

As Solomon prayed, "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong." That will also be my prayer.

I spent nearly three years traveling this state asking for your votes and your prayers. Today, I simply ask for your support and your prayers for me and for this state. From the bottom of my heart, I cannot thank you enough for this incredible opportunity.

God bless you all, God bless the Great State of Louisiana and God bless the United States of America.

Posted on January 11, 2016 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Incoming Governor Edwards Denied His Choice for Speaker of the House

Photo source: LABI

Photo source: LABI

In what can be seen as somewhat of a shocker, Edwards' hand picked candidate for Speaker of the House in Louisiana was denied the position.  Republican Rep. Taylor Barras has been elected over Walt Leger and for the first time in modern Louisiana history, a governor does not get his choice for Speaker.

Barras is from New Iberia and has represented District 48 since 2007.  More information on Barras can be found here.

Posted on January 11, 2016 and filed under Louisiana, John Bel Edwards.

Still Feeling Good About Voting for the "Moderate" Gov.-Elect "Honor Code"???

Photo source: NOLA

Photo source: NOLA

Have you seen this one today?  Seems like Gov.-Elect "Honor Code" is living up to his liberal expectations and dropping work requirements for food stamp recipients.  This will result in more than 60,000 more Louisiana citizens who will have the luxury of sitting on their backsides while the rest of the citizens of this state foot the bill to feed them.

Thank you to the "morally righteous" in this state that couldn't find the common sense to vote for a proven conservative in David Vitter.  Think about this the next time you are struggling to pay for groceries for you and your family and you're waiting for someone in front of you using that EBT card for rib-eyes.

This is only the beginning and we can all thank you for this.

Posted on December 21, 2015 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Louisiana Family Forum Takes to Task Gov.-Elect "Honor Code"

Gene Mills from the Louisiana Family Forum sent out a scathing email on Friday afternoon that highlights some of the "dishonorable" actions that the newly elected Governor, John Bel "Honor Code" Edwards, has taken.

“A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.”
~U.S. Military Academy Honor Code

Dear Friends,

Governor-elect John Bel Edwards parlayed this honor code to a successful finish in the Louisiana Governor’s race. He opined that his opponent was (could not live by this code) “a liar, a cheater, and a stealer and I don’t tolerate that.” Additionally, the Governor-elect looked Louisiana in the eye and promised of his pro-life and pro-family values, “I will not dissapoint you.”

Based on his representations to the public that he would operate by the honor code and his personal pro-life and pro-family values, Louisiana voters chose him overwhelmingly to be Louisiana’s next governor.

Considering that platform, some of Edwards' post-election actions are puzzling and dissonant. Take for example his choice for Commissioner of Administration, former Senator Jay Dardenne, who earned a 65% lifetime rating with the Louisiana Family Forum. According to Louisiana Right to Life, he had a 62% pro-life record during his tenure in the Legislature.

Additionally, The Times Picayune has Edwards on record as pledging to sign an LGBT friendly executive order. This would be in line with the efforts that have been used to penalize bakers, florists, photographers and adoption agencies for simply believing that natural marriage is a concept that may be freely exercised at work. How is this order in line with Edwards’ platform?

Now, news outlets are reporting that Edwards is backing State Representative Walt Leger to be the next House Speaker. Leger is a very talented and affable guy, but he is neither pro-life nor pro-family. Leger has earned a grade of 65% with Louisiana Right to Life, but his poor score does not begin to tell the whole story. The grade does not take into account that Leger strategically opted to abstain in 9 out of the last 15 major pro-life votes. Over that same time frame, Leger voted for government-funded abortions (Amendment 87A of HB 1247 (2010)), against defunding Planned Parenthood (HCR 11, (2012); HCR 54 (2011)), and against conscience protections for health care providers who wish to opt out of participating in abortion procedures (HB 517 (2009)). On other social issues, Leger has been hit or miss as well, receiving a 45.6% lifetime rating from Louisiana Family Forum. Earlier this year, he voted for voluntary sex education for third graders (HB 359 (2015)).

Meanwhile, the other prospective candidate for House Speaker, Rep. Cameron Henry, has a perfect 100% lifetime grade from Louisiana Right to Life and a 93.3% with LFF. And yet… a “pro-life” governor-elect has chosen a pro-choice speaker of the house. Puzzled? Me too. Especially when the other candidate is 100% pro-life.

Sadly, these decisions are not in line with the honor code or the platform that John Bel Edwards ran on. Instead, they are in line with a political code that we are all too familiar with: say whatever is necessary in order to get elected.

Make no mistake, the House Speaker is extremely powerful. He appoints every committee, chair and membership, and assigns every bill to a friendly or hostile committee, making way for the 4th floor (Governor's office) to filter the will of the majority.

I sincerely hope the 105 members of the House of Representatives, who often concur with LFF on distinctively Louisiana values, will simply say “No thank you” to Mr. Edwards’ Speaker pick and will instead help him fulfill his honor code in choosing a House Speaker who is actually pro-family and pro-life.

I encourage the people of Louisiana to contact their legislators and respectfully request that Louisiana values are embraced in casting a vote for House Speaker.

Posted on December 11, 2015 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

"Honor Code" Isn't Even Governor Yet and He's Gone Full Stupid

Photo source: The New Orleans Advocate

Photo source: The New Orleans Advocate

But what can you say from the likes of an Obama-lite Democrat?  In what looks like a stunningly delusional statement, Gov.-Elect "Honor Code" Edwards claims that he has a mandate because of his election last month to the state's highest office and therefore, the serfdom within the Louisiana Legislature must follow his bidding.

Someone should tell Barack Jr. that there are co-equal branches of government in our state and that he is not the king of the Pelican State, as much as he'd like to be like Obama.  Voters did not give him a mandate, but rather, he was chosen as the opposition candidate to Jindal's record and because of the constant barrage of "Honor Code" ethics he spouted and his attempts to keep the focus on Vitter's past.

Someone wake this guy up and tell him he's obviously dreaming the liberal dream.

Posted on December 7, 2015 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

"Benedict" Dardenne Rewarded with Administration Position for Selling Out

Photo source: Politicalconundrum

Photo source: Politicalconundrum

In what should come as a complete surprise to anyone (not), our Lt. Governor, "Benedict" Jay Dardenne is being tapped for a top position within "Honor Code" Edwards' administration when the latter is sworn in next month.  It seems like selling out for the sake of saving your political backside can be quite the thing to do in order to suck off the government tit for another few years.

Dardenne supporters, please tell me again how this guy was such the "conservative choice" in the election when he's now playing on the Democrat ball-team.

Posted on December 7, 2015 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Jay Dardenne, Louisiana.

Rep. Mike Johnson Regarding Louisiana's Speaker of the House

The following was taken from Rep. Mike Johnson's Facebook page and is being shared in the original post format:

Photo source: Facebook

Photo source: Facebook

For those who are interested in the developing controversy, below are seven key facts to explain why it is completely logical and appropriate for our duly-elected Republican majority in the Louisiana House of Representatives to elect our new Speaker---instead of allowing the governor to do it. (You can also share this information from the posting at our website:

  1. The GOP position on the Speaker’s race is not about party or politics or personalities—it is about principle.
  2. The relatively recent tradition of Louisiana governors choosing the leaders of each house of the Louisiana Legislature is not mentioned in our state constitution for a fundamental reason, and that is the essential doctrine of the separation of powers. Our system of checks and balances (for example, distinguishing the legislative from the executive branch of government) is critical to a proper functioning of any constitutional republic.
  3. Under the clear language of the Louisiana Constitution, the members of the House of Representatives are given the authority to elect a Speaker from among themselves. LSA-Const. Art. 3, § 7(C). This provision makes no mention of any involvement by the executive branch. Why is that? Because the Speaker of the Louisiana House of Representatives is vastly powerful. He or she appoints every committee chairman and the membership of every House committee. That allows the Speaker to appoint committees which are not reflective of a majority of the body, and thereby stall or kill legislation in committee that would pass on the House floor.  The argument today is purely about what is best for our state.  WE SHOULD SIDE WITH OUR CONSTITUTION EVERY TIME.
  4. It takes 53 votes to elect a Speaker. The people of our state have spoken clearly at the ballot box and have seen fit to hand the GOP 61 of the 105 House seats. In our system of representative government, it is logical and appropriate to allow that large, duly-elected majority to choose its own leadership independent of any outside pressure from the executive branch.
  5. It is interesting that many of the same people who have openly criticized the work of the Legislature over the past eight years are now arguing that the same mechanisms and customs ought to be employed again. One way to fix our broken system is to change some of our unusual Louisiana traditions and reemphasize government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
  6. The Republicans have only won a majority within the past eight years and there is certainly no "tradition" (or sound logic) that would allow a Democratic governor to name the Speaker when the House has a Republican majority. (In previous administrations, when virtually every member of the chamber was a Democrat, it made much less difference which Democrat was happened to be favored by each particular Democrat governor.)
  7. The American people would never expect a Republican or Democrat majority in the Congress to allow a president from the opposing party to select its leaders. Why should we??

Did You See How Republicans are Helping a Democrat Become Speaker of the House?

Photo source: NOLA

Photo source: NOLA

The Hayride has posted a piece that names several Republican legislators that are on the fence regarding Speaker of the House in the Louisiana Legislature.  Supposedly, these "Republican" legislators are on board in having Walt Leger, liberal Democrat from the New Orleans area, elected to the top position within the House of Representatives.

Contact information for each one of these legislators were also posted on the piece and are below, just in case anyone would like to let them know how they feel on this issue.

Steve Pylant (Winnsboro)
*Rob Shadoin (Ruston)
Joe Lopinto (Metairie)
Bryan Adams (Gretna)
Stephanie Hilferty (New Orleans)
*Tanner Magee (Houma)
Paula Davis (Baton Rouge)
*J. Rogers Pope (Denham Springs)
Thomas Wilmott (Kenner)
Bubba Chaney (Rayville)
Chris Leopold (Belle Chasse)
Frank Hoffman (West Monroe)

It's time for Republicans to act like Republicans and stop giving into the whims of a yet to be sworn Governor "Honor Code". 

Now We Know Why Dardenne Sold Out the Republican Party and His Ethics

In a piece penned on the 25th, Lafayette's Independent reported that Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne has been offered an unspecified position within the administration of "Honor Code" Governor Elect, John Bel Edwards.  This quid pro quo was speculated soon after Dardenne lost his primary race for Governor and endorsed Gov.-Elect "Honor Code".  If there is any indication of the lack of morals and ethics, it is this.  Dardenne sold out his Party and his own integrity to maintain a job within the State of Louisiana.  And to think, people actually believed that this guy was a "conservative Republican".

Posted on November 27, 2015 and filed under Jay Dardenne, John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

STONECIPHER: Will Gov.-Elect Edwards See What Bobby Jindal Never Did?

Photo source: Flickr

Photo source: Flickr

Just after Saturday's election, I read yet another article with yet another warning to us about a smoldering fire in our oil patch.  Knowing one part of that subject very well - related population loss - I immediately thought about Governor-Elect John Bel Edwards, and wondered if he is aware of the urgently important details.  As far as we know, Governor Jindal never was.

Although the writer did not specifically direct his article to Louisiana, he might have justifiably done so.  Oil prices and what they mean to our state's already difficult financial condition is serious stuff, perhaps as serious as the last time all of this hammered us.  That was 1986 ... when the price of oil dropped 67% in just four months. 

Truth be told, Louisiana never recovered from that hit, a fact notably highlighted by our population drop-turned-stagnation since.  A solid marker of remembrance is our loss since 1990 of two of our then-eight seats in the U. S. House of Representatives.  That is a key measure of any state's national political clout, driven solely by population gain or loss.

The article detailed how the price of a barrel of oil might be headed to $25 in the near term unless OPEC takes its heavy foot off the production accelerator.  As I write this, with oil at $43, that price would equal a $200 million direct annual loss in state revenue.  Already underway are the hits to corporate income taxes and many other losses attached to every worker who will leave to find a job he or she loses here ... exactly as we suffered in the late '80s.

That is what we must focus on:  the loss of those workers, and the resulting population hit Louisiana may suffer.  We learned this lesson last time, but far after its fact.  We were hampered by how long it took to see critical yet basic such data from the Census Bureau and other sources.  By the time the data could be assembled, analyzed, reported and then tracked, our state, parishes and cities were already suffering, mightily.  We will have no excuse if it all happens again.

It is history worth specially noting ... right now.

In October 1973, when Israel attacked Syria and Egypt in its Yom Kippur War, OPEC declared an oil embargo to punish it, the United States, and other allied nations.  The harshly negative impact in the U.S., however, was mitigated in Louisiana and other oil-producing states by a resulting quadrupling of oil prices - $3.00 to $12.00 a barrel - in a 14-month period.

In July 1973, just before OPEC launched the oil-price rocket, Louisiana's population was 3,788,375.  As that rocket rose, so did our population, peaking twelve years later - July 1985 - at 4,408,113, a gain of 619,738 people ... 16.4%.  In case that gain does not impress, consider this:  over the thirty-year period since, our population has risen only 5.7%.  The U.S. population gain over those 30-years has been 6-times ours, 34.0%.

Neither I nor John Bel Edwards has a crystal ball, but I am certain we each understand that notwithstanding our state's budget mess and battles over the past several years, our condition can certainly worsen, and in a hurry.  As if Louisiana is not population- and economic growth-challenged enough, we should note that retiring boomers need move no further than Texas or the Florida panhandle to escape paying our state income tax.  Such is a striking seducer, and a danger both explicit and inherent in any tax increases.  

If, as the last time, job losses already underway are the canary in a coal mine of more trouble ahead, our governor-elect may serve but one term in office, as Governor Buddy Roemer did.  Given my presence on Governor Roemer's political team, I learned that the hell such a downward spiral causes is a thing we should always prepare for, in every way possible.

Plenty of us who keep up with these subjects can make a case for $70 West Texas Intermediate crude a year from now.  But, even if we are thus blessed, and oil prices change only positively into and through our state's economic future, there remain many, many more population and demographic risks ahead for Louisiana than at any time in our history.

Necessarily, we can do nothing about these very real risks unless and until our leadership acknowledges their existence.  With our new governor, we at least have that hope.

Elliott Stoneciper
Shreveport, Louisiana.

(Elliott Stonecipher is in no way affiliated with any political party, and has long been a registered "Other," or Independent.  He has no client or other relationships which in any way influence his selections of subjects or the content of any article.  His work is strictly in the public interest, with no compensation of any kind solicited or accepted.  Appropriate credit to Mr. Stonecipher in the sharing - unedited only, please - of his work is appreciated.)