Posts tagged #Welfare

Graves Introduces Common-Sense SNAP Reform Bill


“We have to restructure incentives to achieve the outcomes we want…”

Washington, DC – Congressman Garret Graves (R-LA) recently introduced the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Reform Act of 2017 to require the program to do more to connect the unemployed with existing job placement and job training opportunities so that more people who are able to work can. Graves introduced the bill to fight poverty, support families and promote self-sufficiency while helping stem the tide of government dependence.

Graves’ legislationbuilds upon the successful track record of mandatory federal work requirements first established in President Bill Clinton’s 1996 “welfare reform,” taking a similar approach to strengthen the work requirements for “able-bodied adults without dependents” who are food stamp recipients through SNAP.

“There are talented people across our country who aren’t pursuing the full potential of their capabilities largely because government incentives make it more profitable in some cases to stay home and collect welfare than to pursue personal growth and responsibility through work,” said Graves. “Government needs to provide a safety net for the vulnerable, but it’s become a lifestyle for some to actively choose government assistance over work – that’s a disservice to those people, the economy and the taxpayer. We have to restructure incentives to achieve the outcomes we want and to get capable people off the sidelines and involved in building America’s future. This bill is a small step toward that goal.”

A job is a powerful tool for getting out of poverty and securing long term prosperity. As such, this bill would reinforce the work requirement for certain able bodied adults with no dependents in order to receive SNAP benefits.


Specifically, the bill contains the following provisions –

·        Creates additional opportunities to satisfy the work requirement through a supervised job search.

·        Reduces the number of SNAP recipients exempt from the work requirement.

·        Retains state flexibility for exempting certain individuals from the work requirement.

In 2015, the U.S. government spent over $1 trillion on means-tested welfare aid, providing cash, food, housing, medical care, and social services to poor and low-income individuals.

Graves continued: “Hard times invariably come and when they do, Americans deserve to have peace of mind knowing that there are systems in place to help them get back on their feet – that won’t be the case if the government keeps spending the way it does now. We have to do a better job protecting resources for those truly in need by helping those down on their luck find new opportunities to earn a living.”

The food stamp program is the nation’s second largest means-tested welfare program. The number of food stamp recipients has risen dramatically from about 17.2 million in 2000 to 45.8 million in 2015. Costs have risen from $20.7 billion in fiscal year (FY) 2000 to $83.1 billion in FY 2014.

A number of states in recent years have instituted similar work requirements, helping more people find jobs and producing dramatic declines in food stamp rolls. Alabama, for example, reinstated SNAP work requirements in 13 counties that were exempted after the economic downturn of 2011-2013. Those counties experienced an 85% drop in food stamp participation and a corresponding decrease in unemployment. In one of those counties, the jobless rate was down 11 points in April 2017 compared to April 2011. 

If it becomes law, Graves’ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Reform Act of 2017 would encourage millions of Americans to get back to work, help end the cycle of poverty for millions dependent on government assistance, and save taxpayers billions of dollars over the next decade.

Posted on June 26, 2017 and filed under Garrett Graves.

BOUSTANY: Promoting Employment for Welfare Recipients Is True Compassion

Photo source: Wikipedia  

Photo source: Wikipedia  

​Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the great civil libertarian of a generation whose courageous stand changed the course of our country, once said: “Ultimately a great nation is a compassionate nation.” America is a compassionate nation. We have spent our history liberating, not conquering; providing aid to Africa and Southeast Asia; and protecting our allies from South Korea to Israel.

But we can’t allow ourselves to confuse the true definition of compassion when put in practice. This is evident in today’s welfare programs and the billions of dollars wasted every year on individuals who don’t truly need this assistance. As the former Chairman of the subcommittee tasked with reforming our federal welfare program, I am too familiar with the confused line of thought that argues the more money we put into these programs, the better they will be. That is a falsehood that has kept families trapped in poverty across generations, creating a class dependent on government handouts and without the necessary skills to contribute in the modern workforce.

That’s not compassionate at all. In a way, it is cruel. It denies welfare recipients the dignity of work and transports our nation away from our founding principle of individual liberty.

It may or may not be hard to believe, but today our primary federal welfare program, known as the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, is not adequately measuring the success of moving recipients off of welfare rolls and into work. First created twenty years ago, this program has not been reformed since its creation. Every government program should be pressed to prove it is meeting performance goals and providing value to our society.

That’s why I am proud my bill, the Improving Employment Outcomes of TANF Recipients Act, was recently passed by the Ways & Means Committee and sent to the House floor for consideration. This is a common-sense bill requiring states to measure their success in three areas: moving TANF recipients off of welfare into work, keeping former recipients in work, and helping former recipients increase their earnings over time. Additionally, the bill would require states to work with the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to set goals for each of these measures, taking into account each state’s unique demographic and economic conditions.

If we truly want to address poverty in this country, we cannot spend our way out of it. Current welfare programs are structured so poorly, they provide incentives for recipients to avoid work and stay dependent on permanent handouts. This system was never intended to function this way, and it shouldn’t. It’s damaging to the fabric of our society and increasing our debt. Recipients must be empowered to lift themselves out of poverty by giving them the tools to be successful in work and increase their income over time.

I believe that is true compassion - getting government out of the way, ensuring a safety net is there in case of occasional stumbles, and unleashing the true potential of our people.

Congressman Charles Boustany

Posted on May 26, 2016 and filed under Charles Boustany.

Boustany Opens Hearing in Ways and Means Meeting with Graphic that Highlights Welfare Program Disorganization

Congressman Charles Boustany opened today's hearing of the Ways and Means Human Resources Subcommittee with a graphic that shows the utter disorganization that lies within the welfare programs here in the US.

Boustany added, "Today’s hearing takes a step back and reviews the dizzying array of programs designed to help low-income families, and how that patchwork of programs complicates the challenges for those most in need.  

"This federal welfare system is large, fragmented, and growing in cost. The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service estimates that we currently operate over 80 programs that provide food, housing, healthcare, job training, education, energy assistance, and cash to low-income Americans.

The goal of this meeting is to "review this array of programs, understand the challenges created by their sheer number, and review some state efforts to rationalize the services they provide. That understanding will lay the groundwork for future efforts to modernize and streamline or, at the very least, better coordinate these programs to help more people achieve opportunity and upward mobility."

Posted on November 3, 2015 and filed under Charles Boustany.

Charles Boustany on Welfare Reform

Today, Charles Boustany (LA-3) chaired a Ways & Means Human Resources Subcommittee hearing on welfare reform, specifically focused on making reforms to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program

This hearing kicks off an effort to make the first substantive reforms to TANF since the welfare reforms of the 1990’s. Yesterday, National Journal published an article that Welfare Reform is Ways & Means Chairman Paul Ryan’s “Next Big Thing” after the trade agenda. As Chairman of the Human Resources Subcommittee, Dr. Boustany is positioned as Chairman Ryan’s top lieutenant on welfare reform and will continue to play an active role as this initiative moves forward.

“I welcome our members, witnesses and guests to this morning’s hearing on welfare reform reauthorization proposals.

”On April 30, this subcommittee held a hearing on ideas to improve TANF to help more families find work and escape poverty. We had an excellent panel of witnesses who shared their ideas, and since that time members and staff have been discussing ways that we might work together to improve our nation’s welfare system

”Today, our hearing will focus on specific proposals to improve the lives of families on welfare by better promoting work and helping families in need move up the economic ladder. Work is the only way for people to really escape poverty and achieve the American Dream, and we are eager to help more families succeed at doing just that.

”The Ways and Means Committee discussion draft released last Friday is designed to focus on outcomes—helping people get jobs and stay employed—and to help more people move from welfare to self-sufficiency. In short, this discussion draft:

· Revitalizes the work requirement for people collecting welfare benefits;

· Provides states more options to help people prepare to leave welfare for employment;

· Holds states accountable for getting adults off welfare and into jobs;

· Prevents the work requirements from being waived;

· Ends the TANF marriage penalty, among other key reforms; and

· Maintains funding for the TANF program going forward.

”I would like to thank ranking Member Doggett and his staff for working with us on this draft. We are doing this the right way—holding constructive hearings, working in a bipartisan way on draft legislation, and soliciting expert and public comment as our work continues. We welcome our witnesses’ comments, and will be working together to incorporate that feedback as this legislation progresses.

”I would also like to thank the many members who have joined me in introducing specific bills to improve how the TANF program works. Whether it’s ensuring more adults on welfare are engaged in work and activities, providing additional flexibility so these activities meet people’s specific needs, or just setting a goal of reducing poverty through more employment, those bills are important markers on our path to helping families find work, escape poverty, and achieve the American Dream.

”We are joined by several additional members today, including Representative Paulsen and Representative Renacci, who are former members of this subcommittee. We welcome them back, and I appreciate everyone’s contributions to this effort.”

Posted on July 15, 2015 and filed under Charles Boustany.