"Let's go Brandon! Woooooo!"
SCALISE: Rep. Steve Scalise: Trump impeachment is a shameless Democratic abuse of power
Photo source: Wikipedia
After Democrats took the supposedly “serious” and “solemn” steps of signing two articles of impeachment against President Trump and slow-walking them to the Senate, they now cry that the Senate must subpoena new documents and witnesses – even ones Democrats didn’t call for in the House.
Democrats don’t seem to realize that they’re complaining that their own articles of impeachment are flimsy, lacking in substance, and failing to sway the American people or any objective senators.
It’s not the Senate’s job to mop up the mess created by Pelosi’s House.
Read more: Rep. Steve Scalise: Trump impeachment is a shameless Democratic abuse of power
White House distances itself from Pelosi plan to lower drug prices
Photo source: Piper Report
The White House has been in talks with Pelosi’s office for months on drug prices, a rare shared priority, but the effort always faced tough odds given the partisan divide and the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
Now the Trump administration is downplaying the chances it will endorse Pelosi’s bill, instead pointing to a somewhat more modest bill in the Senate from Sens.Chuck Grassley(R-Iowa) andRon Wyden(D-Ore.), the chairman and ranking member, respectively, of the Senate Finance Committee.
“Lines of communication remain open with the Speaker’s office, but the Grassley-Wyden proposal is the most likely solution that could advance on a bipartisan basis and achieve the President’s priority of lowering drug prices even further for all Americans,” White House spokesman Judd Deere wrote in an email.
Read more: White House distances itself from Pelosi plan to lower drug prices
Pelosi’s drug pricing plan puts medical innovation at risk
Photo source: Stat News
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi recently unveiled her drug pricing proposal (HR 3, also known as the Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019), which is being debated in key congressional committees this week. It is unprecedented in size and scope, dramatically expanding the role of the federal government in health care decision-making. It also opens the door for bureaucrats in the United States and in foreign countries to determine the type of research companies should pursue and how and when patients can access new treatments and cures.
The speaker claims that her plan to lower drug costs allows the government to “negotiate” prices for 250 medicines, but that is not how it would work. The legislation creates a “ceiling price” based on the average price a medicine is sold in six foreign countries with government-run health care systems — countries that limit patient access to innovative treatments. The legislation also sets a “target price,” which equals the lowest price of the medicine in any of the six countries.
Biopharmaceutical companies can accept the target price or attempt to convince the government they should be paid closer to the ceiling price. But unlike a negotiation in which both parties have leverage, if a company does not accept the price the government is willing to pay for a medicine, it is forced to pay a tax of up to 95% of sales of the medicine. That is not negotiation.
Read more: Pelosi’s drug pricing plan puts medical innovation at risk
Pelosi’s Price-Control Prescription Would Cost American Lives
Under Pelosi’s “Lower Drug Costs Now Act,” the federal government would identify the 250 most expensive drugs every year and “negotiate” prices for at least the top 25. The negotiations, however, would be rigged. The bill forces a pharmaceutical company to accept a price for its drug that is no more than 1.2 times the average price of that drug in the countries of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom. If a company refuses to enter into negotiations for its drug, the federal government will impose a punitive excise tax of 65 percent on the gross sales of the drug. That tax will increase by 10 percent every quarter until it reaches a maximum of 95 percent.
Read more: Pelosi’s Price-Control Prescription Would Cost American Lives
Steve Forbes: Pelosi's 'Medicare-for-all' strategy looks a lot like a big wooden horse
Photo source: Fox News
Medicare-for-all would wipe out the entire American insurance industry, taking with it all exchange plans and all employer and union-provided health care coverage. Half a million U.S. jobs would be eliminated.
But Pelosi, ultra-liberal that she is at heart, still craves "Medicare-for-all" as much as anyone. She just knows she’s going to have to be tricky to get it done.
Read more: Steve Forbes: Pelosi's 'Medicare-for-all' strategy looks a lot like a big wooden horse
CASSIDY: Make Mexican Cartels Pay for the Wall
Photo source: Wikipedia
Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana recently went on Fox Business to discuss his upcoming bill that would allow the President to use monies seized from Mexican drug cartel activities to fund the border wall.
Cassidy had the following to say on Fox News:
"It's become an article of faith among Pelosi and her kind of inner circle that they cannot give Trump a victory, even if it means securing our southern border. ... Now, that's a sorry state of affairs, but I'm hoping we can push through that."
More information regarding Cassidy’s bill and his statements regarding Pelosi can be found here.
SCALISE: Democrats Are Using Unpaid Workers as Pawns
Per Congressman Steve Scalise’s Facebook page:
Today House Democrats for the third time voted AGAINST paying federal workers as negotiations continue. I asked the House Democrat Majority Leader a simple question: how can Democrats claim to support workers when they refuse to pay them and instead use them as political pawns?
What You Won’t Hear on the Mainstream Media
Photo source: bizpackreview
Think that the Democrats and Queen Pelosi are really concerned about the 800,000 furloughed federal employees who are a casualty of the government shutdown? Think again. They’re nothing but a pawn in the chess game being played to get rid of what’s holding them back from ultimately destroying this country, President Trump.
The latest indication that those furloughed workers are being used is below. The one thing that I’m wondering is why this wasn’t on the Big 3 and the CNN & MSNBC networks?
“Democratic leaders decided to call up a bill Wednesday to fund the entire government. But just before the final vote, Republicans made a motion to erase that bill and instead vote on a measure to ensure federal workers are paid. The GOP motion failed 200-215,” the Washington Examiner reported.
Pelosi is overplaying her hand and is starting to blink.
Jeff Landry on Nancy Pelosi: She Enjoys Her Wall While Opposing Southern Border Wall
Photo source: Louisiana AG
Nancy Pelosi has a long laundry list of hypocrisy in every single thing she does. She has a front door on her house. She has a fence around her house. She has security measures around her house. She has a door to her congressional office. She doesn’t, evidently, just let anybody in. What’s amazing is this is exactly on a much more larger scale … what’s going on in this country. What Nancy Pelosi and the Left want is, they want chaos because, under chaos, they control. They certainly must support the violence. They do nothing to suppress it. They do nothing to condemn it.
Sen. Kennedy Discusses Shutdown and Border Wall Funding
Photo source: Wikipedia
Per Sen. John Kennedy, R-Louisiana, “right now Speaker Pelosi is running the show, and she makes no distinction between legal and illegal immigration. And if you disagree with her, then you’re a racist. I think that’s a very unreasonable position that the majority of the American people don’t support because they’re too smart to support it.