Posts tagged #LSU

2023 Louisiana Survey Shows Crime Tops List of Public’s Concerns

Louisiana residents remain pessimistic about the direction of the state; confidence in state government remains low.

The first in a series of three reports from the 2023 Louisiana Survey, a project of the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs.

Summary Key results of the 2023 Louisiana Survey, a project of the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs at Louisiana State University, include:

State of the State

  • Most Louisiana residents (61%) believe the state is heading in the wrong direction. While this marks a slight decline of five percentage points from last year, it is the second consecutive year in which a majority of state residents said the state is heading in the wrong direction.

  • This year, crime surged to the top of state residents’ concerns, named by about one fifth of respondents (19%). • Confidence in state government remains low. Only 28% of Louisiana residents say they are either “very confident” or “somewhat confident” in state government to address pressing problems.

  • The index of consumer sentiment, which measures changes in the outlook for the economy, for Louisiana is 53.5 in the early spring of 2023, a slight improvement over 50.3 in 2022 but well below the value for the United States as a whole, 63.5.

  • Four out of five Louisiana residents (80%) say that crime has increased over the last few years. One fourth of state residents report they were the victim of a property crime within the past year, and 15% report they were attacked or threatened with violence.

  • Most Louisiana adults (76%) visited a doctor in the past year for a routine checkup. Yet, 22% of adult Louisiana residents have not seen a doctor in more than a year.
    Overall, 13% of adult Louisiana residents have needed to see a doctor for their physical health in the past year but could not because they could not afford the cost. The same share (13%) have needed mental health care within the past year but could not afford it.

Read more: Louisiana Survey 2023 Report

Posted on June 2, 2023 and filed under Louisiana.

LSU Mounds Identified as Oldest Man-Made Structures in North America

Researchers from the University collected sediment core samples, revealing layers of ash from burned reed and cane plants, as well as remains of burned osteons that indicates that the mounds were likely used for ceremonial purposes.

A radiocarbon analysis of the material suggests that the mounds were built over thousands of years, with construction of Mound B starting around 11,000 years ago.


Posted on August 25, 2022 and filed under Louisiana.

LAGOP: PRESS RELEASE: Governor John Bel Edwards Caught Meddling in LSU Athletics

Secret Text Messages and Suspicious Behavior

Governor John Bel Edwards Caught Meddling in LSU Athletics

(Baton Rouge, LA) – Yesterday, we learned that Governor John Bel Edwards was apparently very determined to obtain inside information on the playing status of one of LSU’s star basketball players, before this information was made public. The Governor sent multiple text messages to several LSU administrators, and continued to follow-up on the conversations until he received the insider information he was seeking.

Of course, this could all just be a case of Governor Edwards being a fan…except that his office and staff have treated this report so strangely, lashing out at every mention of it and fighting any further news coverage.

The Governor’s team promptly began a “definitely not hiding anything” communications strategy by refusing to comply with a simple records request for two months, delaying the production of these easily accessible and easily searchable electronic records to the media.

Next, and still definitely not hiding anything, the Governor’s office redacted certain comments from the text messages and refused to provide his text conversation with an LSU attorney.

Still definitely not hiding anything, Governor Edwards sent his top lawyer to answer questions about the matter. His attorney then stated “He (the Governor) was not trying to weigh in on whether he (the player) should or should not play. That clearly did not happen and would not have happened.”

Now the Governor’s communication staff is shouting down this article on social media and vigorously retweeting “defenders” of the Governor getting involved in this situation – DEFINITELY. NOT. HIDING. ANYTHING.

We have a few questions:

With whom did the Governor share this insider information?

Did those same individuals bet on any LSU basketball games?

What did Governor Edwards and F. King Alexander discuss on the phone?

Who asked the Governor to obtain this information?

Why did the Governor need to know this information before the public learned of it?

Why did it take two months to respond to the records request?

Why did the Governor question those specific LSU administrators?

If the Governor’s interest in this matter was only personal, why did he discuss the matter with one of LSU’s attorneys?

Further, if Governor Edwards was “asking for a journalist” why does the content of his conversation with the LSU attorney require the protection of the attorney-client privilege?

Posted on May 30, 2019 and filed under John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

Two Louisiana Congressmen and One Friendly Wager

Photo source: The Daily Advertiser

Photo source: The Daily Advertiser

Newly sworn in Louisiana Rep. Garret Graves and longtime representative, Charles Boustany, have decided to jump in on the fun surrounding the upcoming weekend super regionals in Baton Rouge and the electricity surrounding the Louisiana-Lafayette / LSU baseball matchup.  And the bet? What else in South Louisiana? Beer!

Read more: 2 La. Congressmen, 1 friendly wager on UL vs. LSU baseball

Posted on June 4, 2015 and filed under Louisiana.

Louisiana Lafayette Baseball on the Verge of the Impossible

Photo source:

Photo source:

The following piece highlights some of the battles that the Cajuns have gone through this season and the ultimate battle this weekend at Alex Box Stadium.  The best thing that comes out of this in state rivalry and match-up is this, that there will be one team representing the State of Louisiana in Omaha this year.

Read more: UL-Lafayette baseball all the rage after winning Sun Belt Tournament

Posted on June 4, 2015 and filed under Louisiana.