Posts tagged #Insurance

Governor Jeff Landry Issues Statement on Withdrawal of BCBSLA Transaction

Baton Rouge, LA– Today, Governor Jeff Landry issued the below statement following Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana’s withdrawal of its Plan of Reorganization and the cancellation of the LDI hearing. 

“From the beginning, we recognized that any transaction such as this would be disruptive to the healthcare landscape of the State. We appreciated the cooperation we received from both parties, our Commissioner of Insurance, and the legislature in both asking the tough questions, looking for solutions, and providing the answers so that the policyholders could make an informed decision and the State would be prepared if such a transaction occurred,” said Governor Jeff Landry.

Posted on February 14, 2024 and filed under Jeff Landry, Louisiana.

LCCM: Talbot Takes First Step in Lowering Car Insurance!


Earlier this week, Senator Kirk Talbot introduced in the Louisiana State Senate legislation that will finally address Louisiana's astronomical car insurance rates! SB 418, the Omnibus Premium Reduction Act of 2020 aims to do just that - lower car insurance by addressing the legal climate that encourages frivolous lawsuits and drives car insurance rates through the roof. 

This bill has received vast support from Abbeville to Zwolle and would provide drastic relief to automobile insurance consumers. Many bills have been introduced to fix our broken legal system and address the sky high auto insurance rates the voters demanded action on last fall. 

Senator Talbot's bill (SB 418) is a critical bill in accomplishing this and we need you to call and email your legislators to let them know you support reforming our legal system and lowering car insurance!  

SB 418 could be heard in Committee as soon as next week.  Please call your State Senators at  (225) 342-2040 and ask them to vote YES on SB 418 by Senator Talbot.  

Posted on March 11, 2020 and filed under Louisiana.

Even "Honor Code's" Buddies at The Advocate Think It's Time For Tort Reform

Photo source: Louisiana Dept. of Insurance

Photo source: Louisiana Dept. of Insurance

Drive most places in Louisiana and you’ll see a lot of reasons for our rating as No. 2 in America in the cost of car insurance.

Whether it’s aggressive — to the point of reckless — driving, or tons of people texting and chatting on phones instead of concentrating on the road, or for that matter, crappy roads filled with holes and unsuited to heavy traffic, Louisiana earns its high insurance costs every day.

That’s because accidents and, all too often, medical costs from injuries, are part of the cost-basis for insurance companies. They must charge enough in premiums to pay claims and have a profit, or they won’t stay in business very long.

Read more: Our Views: Lower car insurance by fixing trial lawyers' gamed system

Posted on February 29, 2020 and filed under Louisiana.