Posts tagged #Democrat Party


BATON ROUGE—U.S. Congressman Clay Higgins joins the Louisiana Freedom Caucus standing in opposition to SR152 (and its HR323 mini-me in the House), an ill-informed, bigoted attempt to smear Louisiana School Superintendent Cade Brumley and Prager University, a 501(C)(3) non-profit educational organization, founded by Dennis Prager, one of the most preeminent Jewish voices in America today.

“The audacity and sheer ignorance of this attempt by our Democrat colleagues to smear one of the leading Jewish voices in America as antisemitic is a testament to the Democratic Party’s shoot, ready, aim method of operation that has left them on life support in Louisiana,” said Beryl Amedee, Chairman of the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. “Prager University is renowned for teaching American exceptionalism, and our imperfect founding, yet they also teach that our American ideals and values are superior to those who wish to enslave America to communism. We at the Louisiana Freedom Caucus welcome the balance that the PragerU/LDOE partnership brings to school curriculum to counter the hate-America agenda of the Left that is rampant in our country today.”

"Senator Fields should respect the people of Louisiana enough to research actual facts before he orchestrates the introduction of a Resolution that somebody else wrote. He's way out of his depth here. PragerU is deeply committed to Constitutionalist principles. Cleo Fields apparently opposes those principles," said Rep. Clay Higgins, member of the House Freedom Caucus.

Posted on May 31, 2024 and filed under Louisiana.

Letter to the Editor: Stop Aiding Chinese

Dear Editor,
I am deeply concerned about the legislation currently being pushed by liberal Senator Dick Durbin that would benefit Chinese credit card companies at the expense of American small businesses. This bill would require credit card companies to partner with at least two unaffiliated network providers, including China Union Pay, which has deep ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

It is alarming to see how China is trying to steal American data, and this bill would only make it easier for them to do so. Allowing a Chinese credit card company to access our personal information is like inviting a spy balloon to hover over every single American with a credit card and take whatever data they want.

This legislation is a classic example of Democrat policy that hurts Americans rather than helping them. By partnering with China Union Pay, Americans' information will be freely handed over to the CCP, giving China an unfair advantage over our small businesses. This will only make it more challenging for small businesses that are already struggling to compete in the market.

It's crucial to remember that Communist China remains the most significant threat to our country. We need to be careful and vigilant, and the last thing we should be doing is giving them an opportunity to hurt us. I am grateful that Louisiana has Senators Bill Cassidy and John Kennedy who continually put Louisianans' interests first and oppose any pro-China bills that could harm our country.

Senator Durbin and the Chinese Communist Party must be stopped, and I hope that Senators Cassidy and Kennedy will continue to stand firm against this harmful legislation. Louisiana deserves strong leaders who will protect our credit cards from those who wish America ill.

DK Willard

Posted on May 12, 2023 and filed under Democrats.

LADEMOS Chair to "Hear Concerns and Answer Questions" About Potential Run for Governor

Posted on January 26, 2023 and filed under Democrats, Louisiana.

Stacey Abrams: "There Is No Such Thing As a Heartbeat At Six Weeks

Posted on September 22, 2022 and filed under Abortion, Democrats.

A Recession Is Here, and Democrats Are to Blame

Well, it is official: As of yesterday’s bad second quarter economic report showing that our economy had shrunk by .9%, America is in a recession. This is because the first quarter report also indicated that our economy had shrunk (by 1.6%), and the commonly accepted definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of economic contraction.

At least that was the commonly accepted definition of a national recession until Joe Biden called upon his minions to proclaim in unison that no, we were not really in a recession and the economy was actually in pretty good shape. Joe himself then made a brief comment to reporters to the effect that it didn’t seem like a recession to him, before fleeing the scene and leaving reporters to devour his easily befuddled press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre. She promptly declared that “We’re seeing a transition into stable and steady growth…,” but she was clearly way out of her element. We seriously doubt that many folks were paying much attention to her musings on the state of the economy, anyway.

But the fact remains that things are clearly not going well- that much is obvious to even the most heedless of our fellow citizens. The economy is volatile and substantial parts of it are performing poorly. Inflation is soaring, energy prices are double what they were when this president took office, necessities like food and housing are becoming unaffordable for many, and borrowing money to stay afloat has become more expensive for all. Strangely, several million people refuse to return to the workforce despite the fact that there are plenty of jobs to be had. What’s more, the experts don’t really know where we are headed- will this be a relatively mild recession, or as many predict, are things about to get one Hell of a lot worse?

Now this is not a good place to be, and one might well ask how we got here? But first, allow me to digress for a moment: Recall that less than two short years ago, under President Trump the economy was recovering from COVID, inflation was under two percent, interest rates were near their historic lows, and energy was plentiful and cheap (gas was half its current price). Several COVID vaccines were only months away and our national debt was many trillions of dollars lower than it is now.

So how did we arrive at this sad state of affairs in so short a time? The answer is obvious- only a doddering but deceitful Joe Biden, controlled by the progressive, neo-Marxist wing of the Democrat Party, could have caused this much damage so quickly and so completely!

Who else would have begun a new presidency by attempting to shut down the eighty percent of our energy production provided by fossil fuels? Who else would have mis-spent trillions of dollars, much of it for Democrat political ends, thereby creating huge imbalances in the supply and demand for our nations’ goods, even as productivity had not fully recovered to pre-COVID levels? Too much money chasing around too few goods is the classic cause of inflation, and reducing domestic energy production even as the economy required more energy, could not help but cause gas prices to shoot up.

So how bad will the economy, and with it the lives of most American citizens, ultimately worsen? Even as I write this article, a new half-trillion dollar round of spending is wending its way through Congress, along with a tax increase. (Thank you, Joe Manchin!) This will further stoke inflation, of course, but the tax increase will make a serious recession far more likely. To tame the out-of-control inflation, the Federal Reserve last Wednesday raised interest rates another three quarters of a percent on top of the one and a half percent increases of the previous two months. Even worse, the Fed hinted at further raises in the coming months. Don’t forget that these rate increases are intended to slow down our economy, which again, will also make the recession worse.

As we teeter on the precipice of an unpredictable economic future (and I have not even touched on the rapidly deteriorating geopolitical situation, the worsening border crisis, the politicization of our school curricula, etc.), be reminded that the gross and misdirected overspending was all avoidable. The attempt to shut down most of our energy production and replace it with expensive and unreliable sources was also avoidable. Why were such basic economic mistakes ever made in the first place?

The fundamental problem here is that progressive Democrats do not learn and they do not admit the error of their ways, because they are Marxists. If we learn anything from history, it is that Marxists do not learn from history. In fact, they are even now complaining that the problem with our economy is that they have not done enough to transform the United States into a more social democratic or even outright Socialist nation.

So be forewarned and vote to save our country on November 8th, before it’s too late!

Louis Gurvich, Chairman
Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on July 29, 2022 and filed under Economy, Democrats, LAGOP.

Democrats Refused Requests To Consider Resolution Condemning Violence & Vandalism on Pro-Life & Religious Organizations

Posted on July 20, 2022 and filed under Abortion, Democrats.

SCALISE: Democrats Won't Bring Bills to Address Problems for Americans

Posted on July 19, 2022 and filed under Steve Scalise, Democrats.

Peterson pushed Edwards campaign, Democratic Party to work with firms in fraud scheme

Karen Carter Peterson pushed for the Louisiana Democratic Party to award a contract worth tens of thousands of dollars to a New Orleans political consulting firm just a few weeks before the 2019 primary election for governor. That’s according to the state party’s executive director at the time, who says he questioned Peterson, then the party chair, before learning Gov. John Bel Edwards’ campaign was OK with the deal. 

Read more: Peterson pushed Edwards campaign, Democratic Party to work with firms in fraud scheme

Posted on July 18, 2022 and filed under Democrats, Louisiana.

Nothing Curative About Dems Inflation, Higher Taxes and Prices

Congressional Democrats are one step closer to passing their trillion-dollar "Build Back Better" spending package.

On July 6 U.S. Senate leaders hashed out a key proposal that would allow Medicare to "negotiate" with pharmaceutical companies over prescription drug prices.

The effort is part of Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer's, D- N.Y., drive to coax centrist Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., into voting for the huge spending bill.

But what Democrats are contemplating is actually a de facto system of price controls — and it would destroy the market for drug research.

Read more: Nothing Curative About Dems Inflation, Higher Taxes and Prices

Posted on July 14, 2022 and filed under Democrats, Taxes.

Karen Carter Peterson expected to plead guilty to gambling with campaign, Dem party funds

Peterson, an outspoken champion of liberal causes, had been a state senator for 12 years before her resignation earlier this year, and before that she spent a decade in the House. She lost a 2021 congressional race to U.S. Rep. Troy Carter.

If Peterson acknowledges steering money intended for the struggling Louisiana Democratic Party to her own use, it will add considerably to the controversy around her eight-year tenure as party chair, from 2012 to 2020.

Read more: Karen Carter Peterson expected to plead guilty to gambling with campaign, Dem party funds

Posted on July 14, 2022 and filed under Democrats, Louisiana.

LAGOP Statement on Joe Biden's Pick for Vice-President

Baton Rouge, LA – Yesterday afternoon, Democrat nominee for President Joe Biden announced his running mate would be California Senator Kamala Harris. 

Sen. Harris is the left-wing political operative who sought the Democratic nomination for President last year by aligning her politics with the radical left and attacking the very same candidate on whose ticket she is now running! During her campaign, she publicly supported:

  • Abolishing all private healthcare and requiring Medicare-for-All. 

  • Stripping American’s of their second amendment rights through the use of executive orders.

  • Passing the anti-job Green New Deal while raising taxes on the middle class.

  • Decriminalizing illegal immigration and offering illegal immigrants free healthcare and other services.

She has not since renounced any of these positions; if anything, she has been emboldened since the COVID pandemic began.

The choice in November is now clearer than ever: a vote for Trump-Pence is a vote for peace and prosperity; a vote for Biden-Harris is a vote for violence, anarchy, and socialized medicine. The danger of a Biden-Harris administration is grave, and the price our country would have to pay is far too high.

Only a vote for President Trump will ensure that America’s economy will be rebuilt, our country strengthened, and our people empowered. Let’s Keep America Great!


Posted on August 12, 2020 and filed under Joe Biden, LAGOP.

Cassidy: The Democratic Party Should Change Its Name Due to Its Racist Past

The Democratic Party was founded by slave owners. These slave owners insisted upon a constitution which preserved slavery. The Democratic Party opposed Republican efforts to end slavery. The Democratic Party opposed Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. After the Civil War, Democrats opposed Republican efforts to give newly freed slaves voting rights and civil rights. In more recent times, Democratic members of the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives fought Civil Rights legislation, beginning with Republican President Dwight Eisenhower’s Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Democratic governors fought integration of schools and public services, and the list goes on. It took courageous decisions by Republican judges and the enforcement of these laws by President Eisenhower who at one point called out the military to overcome resistance.

Two Democratic luminaries, Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black and long serving Senator Robert Byrd, were members of the KKK as young men.

Read more: Exclusive — Sen. Bill Cassidy: The Democratic Party Should Change Its Name Due to Its Racist Past

Posted on July 10, 2020 and filed under Bill Cassidy, Democrats.

LAGOP: Former Edwards Administration Official Admits to Stealing Over $550,000 from Hospital Charity

Prosecutors say Funes stole gift cards intended for cancer patients

(Baton Rouge, LA) – A member of the Governor’s Healthcare Transition Committee pled guilty in a Baton Rouge Federal Court today to charges of wire fraud and money laundering.

Federal Investigators caught John Paul Funes chartering private flights for his friends and family while forcing the Our Lake of the Lake Foundation to cover the expenses by creating fraudulent bills for “outbound patient transports”. Investigators also discovered Funes repeatedly stole gift cards intended for cancer patients and spent them for his personal benefit.

After being elected Governor, John Bel Edwards named John Paul Funes to his Healthcare Transition Committee and tasked the committee with developing a plan to expand Medicaid in Louisiana.

The Governor’s expansion of Medicaid was a disaster. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been wasted, tens of thousands of people have been kicked out of the program, and thousands have died on waiting lists.

Conservatives in Louisiana have been shocked at the amount of fraud and waste and have been wondering for years why an Administration would make so many mistakes with so much taxpayer money at risk.

Today we found out why.

Posted on June 24, 2019 and filed under Democrats, John Bel Edwards, Louisiana.

If You Work in the Oil and Gas Industry and Vote Democrat, Read This

Photo source: Fox News

Photo source: Fox News

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, in a recent campaign op-ed, stated that she would place a moratorium on domestic fossil fuel leases if elected President:

“We must not allow corporations to pillage our public lands and leave taxpayers to clean up the mess,” Warren wrote in a Medium post. “All of us—local communities and tribes, hunters and anglers, ranchers and weekend backpackers—must work together to manage and protect our shared heritage.”

Read more: Elizabeth Warren: I Will Halt All Oil, Gas Drilling on Public Lands, Offshore on Day One of Presidency

Posted on April 17, 2019 and filed under Oil and Gas, Democrats.

LAGOP: Gov. Edwards' Dirty Money

Photo source: NOLA

Photo source: NOLA

The following is a release from the Louisiana Republican Party:

(Baton Rouge, LA) - On November 8, 2015, Governor John Bel Edwards received three $5,000 checks (the maximum donation allowed), all from the exact same address. These checks came, respectively, from the founder of Force Multiplier Solutions, LLC, Robert Leonard, his wife Margaret “Linda” Leonard, [i] and their company, Force Multiplier Solutions, LLC. On August 9, 2018, Robert Leonard pled guilty to federal conspiracy charges stemming from a bribery and kickback scheme set up by Leonard to defraud the Dallas County Schools out of millions of dollars. [ii] According to court filings, even though Margaret “Linda” Leonard did not work for Force Multiplier Solutions, LLC the company paid the mortgage on her $1.6 million estate in Dallas. She also received over $50,000 in payments from the company in over two months. Robert Leonard was the mastermind behind the bribery plot, [iii] but the Dissolution Committee for the Former Board of Trustees of Dallas County Schools is focused on Margaret Leonard's assets because of her involvement. The committee was set up by the Texas Legislature (similar to the executor of an estate) to go collect as much money as possible from the people who defrauded Dallas County Schools. The checks in her name were written to Dallas County Schools president Larry Duncan, who has admitted to taking bribes. [iv] Ms. Leonard now claims the campaign checks signed in her name were not authorized. "I didn't write this check," she stated in her sworn deposition earlier this year.” That's not my handwriting."

We wonder whether she signed the $5,000 check she wrote to Governor Edwards during the same time period? “Following the strings attached to Governor Edwards’ dirty money will lead you into some pretty dark places.” said LAGOP Political Director, Jason Harbison. Louisiana taxpayers deserve to know the truth about their Governor’s relationship with Robert Leonard. Today we have submitted an official records request to the Governor’s Office to determine what strings were attached to this dirty money from a convicted fraudster. While we wait for the Governor’s Office to respond to our request; John Bel Edwards should immediately turn over this dirty money to the proper law enforcement authority.

The public records request can be found HERE.







Republican Party of Louisiana Files Public Records Request Regarding Governor John Bel Edwards’ Louisiana Statewide Business Summit


Monday, February 18, 2019

(Baton Rouge, LA): Today the Republican Party of Louisiana submitted a public records request for any and all correspondence related to Democrat Governor John Bel Edwards’ Louisiana Statewide Business Summit to discern whether the governor is using it as a taxpayer-funded campaign event to bolster his re-election efforts. A copy of the request can be found here.

This request comes as Governor Edwards has faced a slew of bad headlines in recent weeks regarding his lackluster performance on the economy leading up to his announcement of the summit. This, along with the fact that many of the event’s speakers are either donors or employees of Edwards, raises questions of whether he is using his summit as a publicly-funded campaign event.

“On the heels of one negative story after another highlighting the poor state of Louisiana’s economy under the leadership of Governor Edwards, the Governor appears to have organized this summit for the benefit of his re-election efforts on the taxpayer’s dime,” said Chairman Louis Gurvich. “Our elected leaders should not be using taxpayer funds to further their personal political objectives. The timing and choice of speakers at this summit raises serious questions for Governor Edwards, and the people of Louisiana deserve answers.”

A Brief Timeline of Negative News Stories:

January 28 – “In a November 2015 debate, both Edwards and his Republican runoff challenger, then-U.S. Sen. David Vitter, said they wouldn’t raise tax rates on businesses or individuals. They talked of very similar plans to make government more efficient, remove protections that keep some areas of the budget off-limits to cuts and scale back tax break programs. Tax rates under Edwards, however, were raised.” (AP: In re-election bid, Edwards to face tax scrutiny)

January 30 – Louisiana ranked the worst state in the country for where to find a job. (Zippia: THESE ARE THE 10 BEST STATES IN AMERICA FOR JOBS)

January 30 – “Until then we live with Gov. Edwards’ ‘Texas Plan’ that was evident in a post by Baton Rouge ex-pat Branon Pesnell, who now does real estate in Houston: ‘I am one of the 55,000 who moved out of the state (2016-2018) partly because of this type of short-sighted thinking. Decisions like this will have long-term impact on the Louisiana’s ability to recruit and keep business. The door is open in Texas, come on in!’” (Greater Baton Rouge Business Journal: Publisher: Governor’s ITEP change helps Texas)

February 4 – “Stephen Waguespack, president of the Louisiana Association of Business and Industry, said Monday at the Press Club of Baton Rouge [ITEP] is ‘broken’…” (Advocate: LABI, Louisiana's largest business lobby, wants changes for ITEP tax)

February 4 – “But Edwards isn’t interested in changing the rules, saying Louisiana remains competitive in business development.” (AP: Louisiana leaders divided on industrial tax break)

February 9 – “Even when watered down by a Republican-led Legislature, his policies over the past three years have produced tax hikes and 40 percent higher state spending. Louisiana has one of the worst economies in the country with almost no net new jobs created.” (Advocate: Jeff Sadow: Look behind the spin put on Gov. Edward's polling numbers)

February 13 – John Bel Edwards announces Louisiana Statewide Business Summit (Advocate:Louisiana Statewide Business Summit to highlight economic development success stories
