Posts tagged #Claston Bernard

This Is Why The LAGOP Can't Have Nice Things

With a conservative Republican, Claston Bernard, being kept from a televised debate on WWL, the latest slap in the face comes with the Republican Jefferson Parish President, Cynthia Lee Sheng endorsing one of his Democratic challengers for the 2nd Congressional District race.

Lee Sheng has endorsed candidate Troy Carter.

“Troy’s always been accessible and easy to work with,” said Lee Sheng, a Republican, noting that Carter’s Algiers-centered district includes a portion of Jefferson Parish’s west bank. “I have not had an opportunity to work with Karen,” she added -- although a small portion of Peterson’s district extends into the east bank of Jefferson Parish.

It’s been said before and worth reiterating. The GOP will end up screwing up everything they put their hands to.

Posted on March 17, 2021 and filed under LAGOP, Louisiana.