Debate Domination

It wasn’t even close. President Donald Trump won the debate in a landslide! Even CNN’s instant poll gave President Trump the resounding victory, and it’s not hard to see why. President Trump offered a clear vision for our country of a booming economy, a secure border, and peace through strength.

  • President Trump delivered the greatest debate performance in history to the largest voter audience in history, while Joe Biden was too incompetent to defend his record on inflation and the invasion at the border.

  • The contrast was clear: President Trump made the case for how he can improve the lives of every American, while Joe Biden lied, invented stories, and couldn't articulate a single plan to make things less expensive or secure our southern border.

  • Biden should not receive a participation trophy for standing upright for 90 minutes.

  • He should be fired for being unable to explain why he's ruined our country.

  • Joe Biden had no excuses for his disastrous performance.

  • He took a weeklong vacation at Camp David - all while ISIS terrorists run loose in the United States - and Biden still didn't have any answers.

  • The question isn't whether Joe Biden can make it through the next 4 years - it's whether Joe can make it to the election.

  • If we want to save America, if we want to make life better for the American people, if we want to bring back the American Dream, we need to Fire Joe Biden and Hire President Donald J. Trump.

  • Everything is more expensive under Joe Biden:

    • Mortgages are up 90%.

    • Gasoline is up 50%.

    • Bread is up 41%.

    • Eggs are up 40%.

    • Baby food is up 28%.

  • Joe Biden has caused Americans to lose $28,000 per household in inflation costs.

  • Inflation was up 1.4% when President Trump left office.

    • Cumulative inflation is up 20% under Joe Biden.

  • Joe Biden is running a $2 trillion federal budget deficit this year.

  • The unprecedented crisis at the border is due to Joe Biden.

    • Joe Biden has allowed 10 million illegal migrants to cross the southern border.

      • There are now over 150k missing migrant children in the United States.

      • There are ISIS terrorists at large in the United States.

      • There is a 43% increase in violent crime victims under Biden, much due to the Biden Migrant Crime Wave sweeping across our country.

  • Biden’s weak leadership has emboldened America’s adversaries.

    • 13 service members died because of Joe Biden's incompetence during the disastrous withdrawal of Afghanistan.

    • Hamas launched an assault against our greatest ally in the Middle East – Israel.

    • Russia has started war in Ukraine and Biden has failed to stand up to Putin.

    • President Trump will safeguard America and preserve peace through strength.

    • President Trump was the first American leader since Ronald Reagan not to start a war.

  • Don’t forget - 10% for "The Big Guy.”

Bottom Line: Joe Biden further embarrassed the United States with last night’s debate performance, and he is too weak to serve as Commander in Chief. The contrast between President Trump and Biden is clear—it's time to retire Joe Biden once and for all and allow President Trump to Make America Great Again.

Posted on July 1, 2024 and filed under Donald Trump, Joe Biden.