Mills on Speaker Mike Johnson

I have seen numerous attacks on US House Speaker Mike Johnson in the last few weeks regarding his vote on funding the government and intelligence-driven security measures. Those attacks are short-sighted, poorly reasoned and severely lacking in context. I know Mike very well. He is an honorable man, a trustworthy leader and an engaged statesman. 

Admittedly, the circumstances America finds herself facing and the political remedies being offered are not ideal! Johnson is one of 435 votes in the US House and enjoys a single vote Republican majority. The GOP’s one-vote margin gives colorful critics like Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) enormous opportunity to find a camera with a light on or reporter trying to capture a salacious moment to opine or call attention to a lesser or unpassable measure. 

If an expulsion attempt is made, and the mainstream media would like you to believe it might be, the dissociative GOP disorder could allow a renegade GOP’er to cut a deal with opposition for a Democrat Speaker. We may actually have a Democrat-controlled House with a GOP majority…all while Iran attempts to initiate World War 3!   

I can only imagine that China, Russia and Iran, along with illegal immigrants, traffickers and terrorist plants, would be thrilled by a motion to remove the Speaker. I can further imagine that Israel, Ukraine and the rest of liberty lovers throughout the free world would simply mourn.  

Let me assure you, as one who knows Mike: he is dependable, humble and possesses the highest integrity. Besides, He was hand-selected by God as America's Daniel for this moment. Be patient; something Spirit-led is underway. We will witness the fruit of Mike’s leadership very soon!


Gene Mills
Louisiana Family Forum

Posted on April 17, 2024 and filed under Louisiana, Mike Johnson.