We have this opportunity to get it right or sink even further into a disappointing failed institution. I know that Jeff Landry is determined that our people deserve better than what we’ve gotten.”
Photo source: Wikipedia
LAFAYETTE, La. —Today, Jeff Landry announced that he has received the endorsement of former U.S. Congressman Billy Tauzin.
Read Congressman Billy Tauzin’s full endorsement below.
"A Governor for our time. We don’t have lots of time to turn things around: to end this growing lawlessness, to lift this state from the bottom and rebuild economic opportunity, enough to give the children of our state a reason to stay and to prosper here, with us, rather than in some other state. I believe Jeff Landry is positioned to be our next Governor, but even if he were not, if he was well behind instead of well ahead, I would be endorsing him today.”
“Louisiana is just too deep in a hole to do less than elect a new governor, who has been trained and skilled on both the state and national level to serve all of us, and lead our state to a better place… while there is still time. Jeff is committed to do just that. Have you noticed how the bipartisan national association of both Democrat and Republican State Attorney Generals chose Jeff to lead them. How with his prior service in Congress he has gained national recognition as one who gets a job, does a job, and does it well. And we desperately need a doer and a true leader today, one who understands just how hard this will be.”
“We, current and past elected officials, get to know one another pretty well. I’ve come to know Jeff, not from the biased media or from his political opponents, but on a man to man personal relationship. I trust him. I have been honest with him, too. While I’m prepared to help him be a great Governor of our state, we who support him will want to see real progress, real reform, even though that may require hard choices to be made. Louisiana is near a tipping point of no return. We have this opportunity to get it right or sink even further into a disappointing failed institution. I know that Jeff Landry is determined that our people deserve better than what we’ve gotten. He has my full endorsement and my prayers for his and our success.”