GOP Sen. Kennedy: Biden Louisiana Trip to Say ‘I’m the Candy Man and I’ve Got More Free Stuff for You’

“I don’t have a lot of details,” Kennedy said of the visit. “It’s always an honor when a president visits your state. I’m sure the president’s coming in to say I’m the candy man, and I’ve got more free stuff for you. The problem is that there’s nothing free. Anything free somebody had to work for. The president’s plan is not an infrastructure plan. Only 5 percent of it goes to infrastructure. It’s really a Green New Deal and welfare plan, and it’s a mess. It looks like somebody — somebody knocked over a urine sample. Now, we can fix it if we stick to, A, infrastructure, and B, we have serious discussions about how to pay for it. I can tell you how we can pay for it.”

Posted on May 4, 2021 and filed under Joe Biden, John Kennedy, Louisiana.