Importing Socialism

One of the first things President Trump did after being elected was to take a pair of pliers to the teeth of socialized medicine — Obamacare — and rescind the “shared responsibility payment” — the massive fine applied to Americans who wanted nothing to do with socialized medicine and the costs it imposed.

By getting rid of the “shared responsibility payment,” the president effectively got rid of Obamacare’s “individual mandate” to buy into socialized medicine, undermining the whole thing. So it’s ironic — and tragic — that the president who worked to get rid of homegrown medical socialism is importing socialized medicine from abroad.

To be fair, it may not be the president who’s working to import medical socialism. It’s the permanent bureaucracy — a.k.a. the swamp.

Which the president famously promised to drain.

Read more: Importing Socialism

Posted on March 2, 2020 and filed under Heathcare.