Why Media Won't Report on Scott Angelle Skipping Public Appearances

Photo source: NOLA.gov

Photo source: NOLA.gov

The media loves to point out if Sen. David Vitter misses a forum gubernatorial forum. Vitter has far more reason to miss forums and debates than anyone because of his job in the U.S. Senate requires him to be voting and present in DC most weeks and he has a far more grueling schedule in the state holding town hall meetings, running seven offices, and representing the entire state. 

Scott Angelle, however, has no such excuse. By our count, he's missed at least four gubernatorial forums in the last few weeks. Alliance for Good Government, Campaign for Healthcare for Everyone Gubernatorial Forum, Northshore Old Fashioned Straw Poll and Caucus, and the Region 1 Republican Women Gubernatorial Forum.

But why is he skipping so many and why won't the media cover it?

For one, the more he is out in public, the more questions he is getting about his record. Most people didn't know until recently that he was a lifelong Democrat until 2010 and voted in Obama's first Presidential Primary. And hardly anyone knew about his role in the Bayou Corne Sinkhole or how he quit five days after it collapsed. Voters like to know these things, and Angelle clearly doesn't like to answer. 

The reason the media won't cover it is simple. They have an unhealthy obsession with attacking Sen. Vitter.  We aren't blaming the media for protecting Angelle. We are blaming them for being lazy and only reporting biasedly what they want, which is to attack Vitter. 

Posted on September 30, 2015 and filed under Louisiana, David Vitter.