The following press release was issued by email today from the Vitter campaign concerning transportation issues in Louisiana

For Immediate Release                                                                
Contact: Luke Bolar
May 7, 2015                                                                                              


Vitter Releases New Plan Chapter on Relieving Traffic, Improving Roads and Bridges
New Chapter of Vitter's plan is called “Building World Class Infrastructure to Relieve Traffic

Congestion and Grow Jobs”

METAIRIE, LA. – David Vitter (R-LA) today released his proposals to relieve traffic congestion and build a better infrastructure as part of his plan, “Together, Louisiana Strong: Our blueprint for building a brighter future.” Chapter 4 is called “Building World Class Infrastructure to Relieve Traffic Congestion and Grow Jobs.”


You can read Vitter’s infrastructure plan here.

“Louisianians are sick and tired of Louisiana highways with obvious bottlenecks being completely ignored by the state,” Vitter said. “The state spends more on transportation bureaucrats than on concrete and asphalt. That results in sitting in traffic instead of working productively or spending time with family. Well I’m sick and tired of it too – and I’m going to do something about it.”

In Chapter 4 of “Together, Louisiana Strong,” Vitter details how to strengthen the Transportation Trust Fund and provide much more protection for infrastructure spending. In Vitter’s plan, he talks about how to prioritize trust fund dollars for new highway construction and repair and how to ensure that trust fund revenue sources like the vehicle sales tax actually go into the trust fund rather than for unrelated programs.

Vitter’s plan also includes how he will develop a user-friendly DOTD app to allow motorists to highlight logjams and needed repairs they observe, and improve the existing app to give them better real-time traffic and routing advice.

Vitter’s plan is focused on facing Louisiana’s enormous challenges head on—with strong leadership and real solutions— and taking advantage of historic opportunities and make great gains.

See the first four chapters of Together, Louisiana Strong here.

In addition to “Building World Class Infrastructure to Relieve Traffic Congestion and Grow Jobs” Vitter has already released the first three chapters of the plan.

Vitter has compiled his plan by meeting with Louisianians of all walks of life and by listening to their ideas for building a brighter future. Vitter has held 381 Town Hall Meetings and 204 Telephone Town Halls. As a candidate for Governor, Vitter has held 12 Leadership Forums on the key challenges Louisiana faces specifically to develop this blueprint, with dozens of informal meetings and conference calls in addition.

Vitter will be releasing additional chapters as they’re added in the next several weeks.

Posted on May 7, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana.