The following announcement was sent from David Vitter's campaign this morning concerning his plan to improve education for the students in the State of Louisiana.  Vitter has made it a key issue in his campaign, from his amendment that would bar the federal government from pressuring states into implementing the Common Core standards to his new plan he is calling Together, Louisiana Strong.

METAIRIE, LA. – David Vitter (R-LA) today released his proposals to improve education in a new chapter of his plan, “Together, Louisiana Strong: Our blueprint for building a brighter future.” Chapter 3 is called “Dramatically Improving Education for All Our Children.”


Read Vitter’s education plan here

“We’ll never achieve the Louisiana we all want without dramatically improving education for all our children. The budget may be our most immediate crisis. But education is our biggest, most important one long-term,” Vitter said. “That’s why I will lead a serious, sustained effort to build true excellence in education. And that begins with demanding local versus federal control and empowering the most important leaders on the front line—parents and teachers.

In Chapter 3 of Together, Louisiana Strong, Vitter details how to get Louisiana out of Common Core, support school choice, and put more state dollars in the classroom instead of spending it on administrative costs. Chapter 3 also highlights the Vitter Record, like how he has authored leading legislation to prohibit the federal government from using Race to the Top grants, No Child Left Behind waivers, or any other tools to mandate, coerce, or bribe states into adopting Common Core, and preserve past grants and waivers while invalidating the strings attached.

“David actually passed legislation that says the feds must not coerce or bribe states into adopting Common Core,” said Sandra Baily-Simmons, Tangipahoa Parish School Board Member.

Vitter’s plan is focused on facing Louisiana’s enormous challenges head on—with strong leadership and real solutions— and taking advantage of historic opportunities and make great gains.

 See the first three chapters of Together, Louisiana Strong here.

In addition to “Dramatically Improving Education for All Our Children,” Vitter has already released the first two chapters of the plan.

Vitter has compiled his plan by meeting with Louisianians of all walks of life and by listening to their ideas for building a brighter future. Vitter has held 380 Town Hall Meetings and 203 Telephone Town Halls. As a candidate for Governor, Vitter has held 11 (12th scheduled for this Tuesday) Leadership Forums on the key challenges we face as a state specifically to develop this blueprint, with dozens of informal meetings and conference calls in addition.

Vitter will be releasing additional chapters as they’re added in the next several weeks.

Posted on April 24, 2015 and filed under David Vitter, Louisiana, Education.