Dear Friend,

Tonight was an historic victory!

Taking back the Senate from Harry Reid and Barack Obama means we can start putting our country back on the right track.

And it makes me even more enthusiastic about my effort to become our next Governor here at home.  As our next Governor, I can have an even bigger impact getting us back on that right track, advancing freedom and opportunity.  Together, we can address the unique challenges and opportunities we face in Louisiana with bold vision and conservative common sense.  I’d be honored to continue to earn your full support as that campaign develops. 

Now, in the meantime I’ll enjoy a new role in the Senate majority–Chairman of the important Small Business Committee. Leading the Small Business Committee, I’ll be able to shape policy that helps all of Louisiana’s businesses. We can make important efforts there to grow our energy industry, free ourselves from the Obama Administration’s crushing regulatory agenda, reduce the tax burden on small businesses, and of course repeal and replace Obamacare.

Finally, I certainly want to stress that we have some work left to do on these mid-term elections here in Louisiana.  We need to elect another conservative senator from Louisiana to be an active, leading member of our new Republican majority.  We need to help Bill Cassidy defeat Mary Landrieu on December 6.  Please join me in that crucial effort too. 

God bless, and enjoy our historic win tonight!
